Racism is very characteristic ...

Racism is very characteristic of imperialism and capitalism. Hate against me has a lot to do with racism. Because of my big mouth and curly hair. And I'm so proud to have this mouth and this hair, because it is African.
 Hugo Chavez

Quotes from the same author

I was an altar boy. My mother wanted me to be a priest. I am very Christian and Catholic. ... I'm very faithful. I believe in God, in Jesus Christ.
 Hugo Chavez
Venezuela is a free country, and we will not be blackmailed by anyone. We will not accept being told what to do over Iran; we will not accept being anyone's colony.
 Hugo Chavez
I concern myself with Venezuela. However, some rightwing movements are transforming me into a pawn in the domestic politics of their countries, by making statements that are groundless.
 Hugo Chavez
I'm a Christian. I want the world of justice and equality. This is the only way to achieve peace.
 Hugo Chavez
Let the dogs of the empire bark, that's their job; ours is to battle to achieve the true liberation of our people.
 Hugo Chavez