Quotes Steven Spielberg - page 2

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Before I go off and direct a movie, I always look at four films. They tend to be The Seven Samurai, Lawrence Of Arabia, It\'s A Wonderful Life and The Searchers.
Before I go off and direct a movie, I always look at four films. They tend to be The Seven Samurai, Lawrence Of Arabia, It's A Wonderful Life and The Searchers.
I'm 62 years old. Am I old enough to win a lifetime achievement award? Yes, I am. Thank you very much.
I get that same queasy, nervous, thrilling feeling every time I go to work. That's never worn off since I was 12 years-old with my dad's 8-millimeter movie camera.
Whether in success or in failure, I'm proud of every single movie I've ever directed.
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Every time I go to a movie, it's magic, no matter what the movie's about.
I wanted to do another movie that could make us laugh and cry and feel good about the world. I wanted to do something else that could make us smile. This is a time when we need to smile more and Hollywood movies are supposed to do that for people in difficult times.
People have forgotten how to tell a story. Stories don't have a middle or an end any more. They usually have a beginning that never stops beginning.
I don't think that anybody in any war thinks of themselves as a hero. The minute anybody presumes that they are heroes, they get their boots taken away from them and buried in the sand.
I committed to directing 'Catch Me If You Can' not because of the divorce component, but principally because Frank Abagnale did things that were the most astonishing scams I had ever heard.
I did not make this film about Frank Abagnale because of what he did . . but because of what he has done with his life the past 30 years.
I did not make this film about Frank Abagnale because of what he did . . but because of what he has done with his life the past 30 years.
People have forgotten how to tell a story.
I've been shooting movies and television shows for now 47 years and I've worked with the best of them and [Kirk Douglas] is the only movie star I ever met.
I love to go to a regular movie theater, especially when the movie is a big crowd-pleaser. It's much better watching a movie with 500 people making noise than with just a dozen.
I think the secret of great acting is that you have to bring your imagination to the party. You have to have a great imagination and you have to bring it every day when you're working. Your imagination and your skills as an actor are what see you through, not what you're wearing or where you are.
I think that is the secret of great acting. You have to bring your imagination to the party. You've got to have a great imagination.
This whole thing about reality television to me is really indicative of America saying we're not satisfied just watching television, we want to star in our own TV shows. We want you to discover us and put us in your own TV show, and we want television to be about us, finally.
My early exposure to all the leviathans of the Saturday matinee creature features inspired me, when I grew up, to make 'Jurassic Park.'
If the movie does well, or it doesn't do so well, some movies get great reviews, some movies don't... that's just part of what I do for a living. I just move through all that; that doesn't ever stop me.
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The older I get, the more I look at movies as a moving miracle.
The older I get, the more I look at movies as a moving miracle.
I made 'Saving Private Ryan' for my father. He's the one who filled my head with war stories when I was growing up.