Quotes Sri Chinmoy - page 4

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O kindle the fire of happiness ! Therein I shall see The door of friendliness, The room of greatness And the palace of godness. I shall see, I shall see.
O kindle the fire of happiness ! Therein I shall see The door of friendliness, The room of greatness And the palace of godness. I shall see, I shall see.
Friendship must never be buried under the weight of misunderstanding.
People who plead with you for favours May eventually prove to be great flatterers. Your friends are only those Who all the time cheerfully support Your heart's aspiration-flames.
When we meditate, what we actually do is enter into a vacant, calm, still, silent mind. We go deep within and approach our true existence, which is our soul. When we live in the soul, we feel that we are actually meditating spontaneously. On the surface of the sea are multitudes of waves, but the sea is not affected below. In the deepest depths, at the bottom of the sea is all tranquility. So when you start meditating, try to feel your own inner existence first. That is to say, the bottom of the sea: calm and quiet. Feel that your whole being is surcharged with peace and tranquility.
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The most important and most significant good quality in our human life is gratitude. Unfortunately, that good quality we somehow manage not to express either in our thoughts or in our actions. Right from the beginning of our life, we have somehow learned not to express it. So we have the least amount of the very thing that we need most in order to become a better person.
The greatest misfortune that can come to a human being is to lose his inner peace. No outer force can rob him of it. It is his own thoughts, his own actions, that rob him of it.
My service to humanity Is my real opportunity To prove my genuine love For God and God alone.
God loves only one philosophy, And that is the Do-it-here-now philosophy.
Love is a flame that burns everything other than itself. It is the destruction of all that is false and the fulfillment of all that is true.