Quotes Socrates - page 3
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Let he who would move the world, first complete an environmental impact assessment and a 90-day public comment period.
Do not grieve over someone who changes all of the sudden. It might be that he has given up acting and returned to his true self.
Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat.
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Is it not, then, better to be ridiculous and friendly than clever and hostile?
A multitude of books distracts the mind.
Get not your friends by bare compliments but by giving them sensible tokens of your love.
There is no possession more valuable than a good and faithful friend.
Wealth does not bring about excellence (aka areté), but excellence (aka areté) brings about wealth and all other public and private blessings for men.
It was far too cold. The second I got out I had this incredible headache, I'm just not used to it. The last time I saw snow was years and years ago.
Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions, but those who kindly reprove thy faults.
An envious man waxeth lean with the fatness of his neighbors. Envy is the daughter of pride, the author of murder and revenge, the beginner of secret sedition and the perpetual tormentor of virtue. Envy is the filthy slime of the soul; a venom, a poison, or quicksilver which consumeth the flesh and drieth up the marrow of the bones.
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
The beginning of wisdom is the definition of terms.
The unexamined life is not worth living.
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
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The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.