Quotes Simon Sinek - page 2
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Academic experts may not be good at doing what they are experts in themselves, but they are good at explaining the subject matter to others. They write books, teach courses and offer lessons and give steps others can follow.
There are two kinds of experts: academic experts and practical experts. One is not better than the other, but they are very different, and each offers very different value.
To become an academic expert takes years of studying. Academic experts are experts in how and what others have done. They use case studies and observation to understand a subject.
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To operate based on conviction and belief requires an acceptance that your actions could get you fired. This is different from pig-headed bravado, and it is different from putting the company at risk.
To succeed takes more than the desire to win. It also takes the acceptance that we could fail.
Panic causes tunnel vision. Calm acceptance of danger allows us to more easily assess the situation and see the options.
A leader should not take credit when things go right if they are not willing to accept responsibility when things go wrong.
Failure is not tied to money; it is a mindset. Failure is when we accept the lot we are given.
When we accept the fact that we can't do everything, we are more willing to ask for and accept help when we do anything.
Words may inspire, but only ACTION creates change. Most of us live our lives by accident - we live life as it happens. Fulfillment comes when we live our lives on purpose.
The challenge of the unknown future is so much more exciting than the stories of the accomplished past.
Always plan for the fact that no plan ever goes according to plan.
Most years, if you were to ask me how much I make, the genuine answer is that I have no clue. I usually find out the answer to that question once a year, at tax time, when my accountant tells me.
The ones who show up to take, they show up and say, "Hi. My name is Steve. I'm an expert in this and I've studied this and I've worked with these clients." On every single power point presentation, it has their email, their Twitter handle and their Facebook account, so you can follow them. At the end, they tell you, "Please follow me." When you ask them a question, they say, "Well, I could tell you the answer, but you should really just read my book.
People have accused me of only working with good companies. No I don't. I work with some very dysfunctional companies or unbelievably dysfunctional organizations. The people that bring me in know what they're doing won't work for the future. They know they want to change and they want to change for the right reasons. They believe what I believe and that's why they called me.
Most people think leadership is about being in charge. Most people think leadership is about having all the answers and being the most intelligent person or the most qualified person in the room. The irony is that it is the complete opposite. Leadership is about empowering others to achieve things they did not think possible. Leadership is about pointing in the direction, articulating a vision of the world that does not yet exist. Then asking help from others to insure that vision happens.
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The reality is that fulfillment, success and all of these good things comes from trying to help those that we care about to achieve those things. How can I help somebody I care about find the job they love? How can I help somebody I care about find happiness in their work? And when we commit to service it actually biologically and anthropologically is more likely to lead to our own success and our own happiness.
A movement only exists when people are inspired to move,
to do something, to make the cause their own.