Quotes Seth Godin - page 2

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The art, the new, the ability to connect the dots and to make an impact - sooner or later, that can only come from one who creates, not from a teacher and not from a book.
The art, the new, the ability to connect the dots and to make an impact - sooner or later, that can only come from one who creates, not from a teacher and not from a book.
Part of leadership (a big part of it actually) is the ability to stick with the dream for a long time.
All motivation is self-motivation. Your family, your boss, or your co-workers can try to get your engine going, but until you decide what to accomplish, nothing will happen.
Our best work can't possibly appeal to the average masses, only our average work can. Finding the humility to happily walk away from those that don't get it unlocks our ability to do great work.
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What you do for a living is not be creative, what you do for a living is ship.
Don't fix me; Love me for what's broken.
We don't need more stuff, we need more humanity.
Organizations that destroy the status quo win. Whatever the status quo is, changing it gives you the opportunity to be remarkable.
Not only must you be an artist, must you be generous, and must you be able to see where you can help but you must also be aware. Aware of where your skills are welcomed.
You succeed because you\'ve chosen to be confident. It\'s not really useful to require yourself to be successful before you\'re able to become confident.
You succeed because you've chosen to be confident. It's not really useful to require yourself to be successful before you're able to become confident.
Persistent people are able to visualize the idea of light at the end of the tunnel when others can't see it
Our job is to make change. Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them, more able to get where they'd like to go. Every time we waste that opportunity, every page or sentence that doesn't do enough to advance the cause is waste.
Basically you create your experience through your beliefs about yourself and the nature of reality. Another way to understand this is to realize that you create your experiences through your expectations.
People talking about you is far more effective than talking about yourself.
Quality is not an absolute measure. It doesn't mean 'deluxeness' or 'perfection'. It means keeping the promise the customer wants you to make.
The future isn't so much about absorbing or tolerating change, it's about making change.
If you're not willing to face the abyss of choice, you will almost certainly not spend enough time dancing with opportunity.
Fundamentalist is a person who considers whether a fact is acceptable to their faith before they explore it. As opposed to a curious person who explores first and then considers whether or not they want to accept the ramifications.
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Once you free yourself from the need for perfect acceptance, it\'s a lot easier to launch work that matters.
Once you free yourself from the need for perfect acceptance, it's a lot easier to launch work that matters.
Big ideas are little ideas that no-one killed too soon.