Quotes Rush Limbaugh - page 9

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The ideas that accompany that victory, the ideas and the policies that are related to those ideas that are implemented after you win the election. And then it\'s not just one election; you have to keep winning elections. You have to keep defeating liberals, and it\'s the same thing here in the Brexit vote.
The ideas that accompany that victory, the ideas and the policies that are related to those ideas that are implemented after you win the election. And then it's not just one election; you have to keep winning elections. You have to keep defeating liberals, and it's the same thing here in the Brexit vote.
The power of branding, particularly when it comes to automobiles, is overwhelming. You go back to the seventies and eighties with the General Motor situation I was describing? Literally, folks, the Camaro and Firebird were identical cars but you'd so have the Firebird buyers, the Pontiacs, "No way I'm I buying that Camaro!" " It's the same car." "Nooooo, it is not. That is a Chevy and mine is a Pontiac.
Over and over again we learn that Obama nor any of his people high up in whatever bureaucracy can accomplish any of these things. They can't do a website. They can't roll out Obamacare. They can't improve health care. They can't run the VA. They can't run the IRS honestly. They turn as much of it as they can into a political weapon furthering the agenda of the president.
We do not force things on people. That's not how we want things to eventuate. That's not how we want things to happen. We have what we consider to be, anyway, a respect for our form of government, a constitutional republic. We believe in it. We want legitimate mandates. We win an election, we want it to be because the genuine majority of people who share our beliefs. We don't think we accomplish anything by forcing something on people. But that's not the way the left looks at this at all. They can only get what they want by forcing it on people.
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You can't bullet-point Trump's political beliefs because he doesn't have them. He's got various things he wants, needs, wants to accomplish, based on circumstances at the moment, not based on a philosophy. Now, there's a foundation. The foundation for Donald Trump is "Make America Great Again." It's the greatest place on earth and we're gonna build it back up and it's gonna be the greatest no matter what, compared to whoever, it's gonna be the greatest. So, I mean, you can say that. But that's not a political philosophy. That's an objective or a series of goals.
I don't think looking at things through the prism of fear is going to accomplish anything.
Regarding Ronald Reagan: In point of fact, the image of Ronald Reagan, the man responsible for shaping that decade (the 1980s), should be carved into Mount Rushmore, minted into coins, and emblazoned in a place of honor in every school child's history text as a constant reminder of this great man's contributions to world freedom, national pride, and individual prosperity. With the truth, the term 'Reaganomics' will be used only as a term of endearment and respect.
I don't have a road map and I'm not a goal oriented person in the sense that, you know, I have nothing in front of me that says by June of 2017 I want to have accomplished X. I have an overriding goal, and that is to be successful at whatever I do 'cause I figure if that happens I'll love it and enjoy it, and then that's when opportunity presents itself.
Men aging makes them look more authoritative, accomplished, distinguished. Sadly, it's not that way for women, and they will tell you.
No president stays in town. They all decamp. They all leave. They go back somewhere. But Obama is gonna stay there, and there\'s one reason why. He\'s not going to sit quietly by... Let\'s say there\'s a Republican elected president. He\'s not gonna sit quietly by and let whatever he thinks he\'s accomplished be unraveled. He\'s gonna be speaking up often about what he disagrees with, and he knows he\'s gonna have the media in his back pocket.
No president stays in town. They all decamp. They all leave. They go back somewhere. But Obama is gonna stay there, and there's one reason why. He's not going to sit quietly by... Let's say there's a Republican elected president. He's not gonna sit quietly by and let whatever he thinks he's accomplished be unraveled. He's gonna be speaking up often about what he disagrees with, and he knows he's gonna have the media in his back pocket.
Dr. Benjamin Carson is one of the finest, most accomplished human beings on this planet who has done more for people than most people in politics will ever do. And he's done it personally, not with other people's money.
The left portray Donald Trump as somebody that's a walking mental midget, that literally has no idea what he's done here by winning the presidency, that has no idea how to talk, has no idea how to behave. They continue to make the mistake of plugging him into their model. They're plugging him into what they think an accomplished politician is, and he's not that, he's never been that, and he's not going to be that. He doesn't want to a politician, successful or not. He is president and he's going to lead this country in the ways that he's being very open and honest about.
For the last five years, we have been presented with the idea that Barack Obama is superhuman. Barack Obama is unlike any of us or anyone else. And he isn't. In fact, he's much less achieved and much less accomplished than most who have gotten half as far as he has, and I think maybe what we saw was the best.
Hillary Clinton does not know what she's doing on anything. Hillary Clinton wouldn't be where she is if her name wasn't Clinton. She doesn't have any stand-alone achievements, stand-out achievements and accomplishments that in any way recommend her to the presidency.
At least in my perception, seeing accomplishments of minorities is a way to actually be critical of the country, not celebratory of it. The reason for celebrating all of these minorities - women, African-Americans, pick your minority - who do something that hasn't been done by somebody in that group before? The media goes nuts. It's one of the greatest things in the world! At the root of that is that America's unjust, that America is unfair, and that America discriminates, and that America is biased and bigoted and whatever.
Hillary Clinton lost because of who she is, because of her track record of failure, because there's no resume, there's no record of experience that she's good or qualified at anything. She cannot cite any achievements or accomplishments, other than traveling miles and being named after people she wasn't named after and being told to go join the dogs by somebody at the Marine Corps. She's exposed.
Vote to protect your family. Vote for honesty, integrity, and accountability.
The Limbaugh Theorem is the way Obama gets away with no accountability for anything he's done is he never was perceived as governing. He was always as an outsider campaigning all the time against powerful forces trying to stop whatever it was he wanted to do.
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I\'m a very highly opinionated person, and so people assume I\'m opining on everything; when I open my mouth and say something, it\'s an opinion.
I'm a very highly opinionated person, and so people assume I'm opining on everything; when I open my mouth and say something, it's an opinion.
Hillary Clinton trashes the banks every time she opens her mouth, and yet she made $21 million in two years making speeches to those very banks that she trashes every day.