Quotes Rush Limbaugh - page 4

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An undeniable truth is that while Obama and Pelosi and George Soros and whoever else tell you and me to get off oil, they won\'t - they\'re the elites. They\'re smarter, they\'re running the world, and they have to be able to get to where they have to go.
An undeniable truth is that while Obama and Pelosi and George Soros and whoever else tell you and me to get off oil, they won't - they're the elites. They're smarter, they're running the world, and they have to be able to get to where they have to go.
They benefit from all these people, "I just don't like the fighting. Could you stop the shouting? All I want to do is just get along." They're easily able to bulldoze large groups of people into laying down and letting it happen in the hope that this will be peace, in the hope that there will be no confrontations, in the hope that the shouting will stop.
Even if leftists were able to get control of every institution they want to destroy, what they want is not possible. The circumstances for life on this planet that they want are not possible to achieve. The closest they can get to it is communism and tyranny where they have to force everybody to live the way they want.
You can use the [Barack] Obama administration as a recent example. For seven years they've been unopposed. The Republican Party's not trying to stop 'em on a single thing. Much of Obama's agenda has been a success. He has been able to attack various traditions, institutions, and taken over the health care system in this country. They've taken over the student loan, they've taken over the education system, and everybody in it is miserable and unhappy.
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Whatever the reality is the perception is that Marco Rubio went to Washington and threw in with the, quote/unquote, "establishment". He cannot - he cannot recover from that. Has not been able to recover from that.
The left has been able to destroy conservatives, dispatch conservatives, to ruin conservatives simply on the basis of accusing them or illustrating them supposedly violating political correctness, by virtue of exposing what they think or say.
The Democrats really are not interested in keeping guns out of the hands of terrorists. They're interested in keeping you from being able to get guns.
If Recep Tayyip Erdogan cannot placate ISIS, how are we ever gonna be able to? And placate is clearly what John Kerry, who once served in Vietnam, and Barack Hussein O and Hillary Clinton think is the only thing we have to do is placate them. Because we’re at fault, see.
The feminazis celebrated Bill [Clinton], all because he was able to just manhandle us.
[Bill] Clinton was able to defeat conservatives, Republicans, at every turn. And so he was given wide latitude, leeway. He could do whatever he wanted and not be condemned for it. But young people today are not prone to rewarding that kind of behavior.
[Bill] Clinton was able to defeat conservatives, Republicans, at every turn. And so he was given wide latitude, leeway. He could do whatever he wanted and not be condemned for it. But young people today are not prone to rewarding that kind of behavior.
Her family had no such ties. She was able to forge her way into that world. And then to those people, the idea of going to Arkansas, if you're gonna stop and think about it, you don't do it. It wouldn't have made any sense. It's like going to Mississippi. Why would you go to Alabama? You wouldn't go. You wouldn't... That would be throwing your life away! [...] For some reason, Hillary Clinton wanted to latch on to this guy [Bill Clinton] - and for some reason, this guy wanted her to latch on to him.
Conservatism's not the answer. The Republican Party has to reach out, moderate and modify its views to be able to accommodate radical Democrats, minorities, and so forth.
Donald Trump is able to get his message out.
I don't think we live in a place where we don't want people to be able to say when they disagree with the president or incoming administration.
If your kids are realizing that they descend from something, that's really great. The more you're able to inculcate that the greater amount of pride they're gonna have. That's incredible.
If Trump and his team are able to lower the corporate tax rate to 15%, you look out. The left have told people that corporations are gonna hide the money or shelter the money or keep it for the CEO. They're not gonna give it away, they're not gonna sharing it, it isn't gonna trickle down. You watch.
Economic growth, profitability, prosperity, jobs, increased jobs, increased wages, they're able to get that tax rate down to 15% and we're gonna call it tax relief, not tax breaks, not tax loopholes. It's important to control and reclaim the language here.
Donald Trump has a bunch of people who have been able to find the money they need for projects that they wanted to do and succeed at them and show a profit at the same time, and everybody involved wins.
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How do you think we have the home mortgage deduction? We have it because way back when it was determined that the American dream equaled home ownership. And everybody knows that the vast majority of the American people will never be able to write a check for a house. You have to finance it.
How do you think we have the home mortgage deduction? We have it because way back when it was determined that the American dream equaled home ownership. And everybody knows that the vast majority of the American people will never be able to write a check for a house. You have to finance it.
[Barack Obama and Susan Rice] simply do not want any hearings on Benghazi, and they wouldn't be able to avoid it if she's up there as secretary of state.