Quotes Rush Limbaugh - page 14

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Politics is about moving forward, looking forward.
Politics is about moving forward, looking forward.
It was in the nineties. [Bill] Clinton was president. And Clinton was making, you know, the usual Democrat move on guns after some of event, and Wayne LaPierre said, "I think the president's comfortable with a certain level of violence.
We gotta ditch conservatism and people that believe it, we gotta move on. Otherwise, if we don't, we're just delaying our nightmare, postponing the nightmare. That's Ford O'Connell.
We're never gonna move forward if we can't let go of things, especially things that don't happen to people today.
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The Democrats want corporations to shut down and move, because it allows them to tell you how rotten and mean corporations are.
Let's say you want to do a job, and you want to be really successful. You want to rise really high in that career. But where you live, that job doesn't exist. Your town's too small. Or maybe the business is your town, but even if you reach the pinnacle there, because it's a small town, it's not nearly as high as you could go. If you're unwilling to move, well, that's all on you. That's a limitation you're placing on yourself. Now, that's fine if that's what makes you happy.
You want to trace California's move to the far left, you go back to the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli bill. Simpson-Mazzoli was where we granted amnesty to, at the time, what was three and a half million illegal aliens. And that's it. We were told that would be it. We would start being strict about guarding the borders and making sure that there wasn't any more illegal immigration, but that didn't happen. That was the design. Ted Kennedy, Simpson-Mazzoli, it was their idea here and it's worked out magnificently for them to this extent.
I have made you - along with Fox News has made you - think Obama is something that he isn't. And it's such a shame. I have so distorted who the real Obama is in your mind, that it is paralyzing our government. It is paralyzing the Speaker of the House, who really, really, really, really wants to go in there and really, really work with Obama, but he just can't. It's hard for people like Boehner to move too far in my direction because of the misperception of me, Obama says, created by Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.
I'm sure Democrats are hoping that Donald Trump will make a move soon to rescind and repeal Obama's orders. And then Barack Obama will call the media and he'll go on TV and he'll immediately accuse Trump of poisoning the planet, not caring about poisoning the water and all this other stuff. I know how this stuff works, and more of you each and every day who listen here religiously know as well as I what Obama is setting up here. It is to portray Trump as some selfish heathen who only cares about his own profit.
As far as the low-information segment of the population - the vast, vast, vast majority of which votes Democrat - if you are a progressive as Barack Obama is and you want to sell the direction you\'re taking this country, it\'s okay to call it great now \'cause you\'ve got it moving in the direction of decline.
As far as the low-information segment of the population - the vast, vast, vast majority of which votes Democrat - if you are a progressive as Barack Obama is and you want to sell the direction you're taking this country, it's okay to call it great now 'cause you've got it moving in the direction of decline.
Government barriers on Business For example, the Endangered Species Act prevents 'disturbing the habitat' of the spotted owl. That has restricted 4.2 million acres of forest from development, leading to the loss of 30,000 lumber-related jobs and the annual loss of 1.1 billion board feet of lumber. This has driven up the cost of houses by at least $4,000 each. In addition, regulators ordered a Kansas City bank to install a Braille keypad on its drive-through automatic teller machine, presumably to aid any blind drivers. The list goes on and on.
We have had people for so many generations dumbed down, literally dumbed down, who are now in positions of awesome and extreme power with influence over others, that we're paralyzed. And, if we're not paralyzed, we are backtracking and moving backwards. We are actually regressing, I should say, from magnificent progress that we as a nation and a culture and society have taken over hundreds of years.
They didn't want Donald Trump to win. They didn't think he was gonna win. They never thought they would be in this position. They may not even like being in this position because they don't want this kind of pressure on 'em. They don't want to have to move his agenda. The Republicans in Washington are identical with the Democrats when it comes to the big issue, and that's immigration. Both parties want amnesty.
Well, the chairman of Federal Reserve just made his move to rescue Barack Obama. We're gonna have QE3. We're gonna print some more money.
He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act. ... This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting.
As long as there's anybody that's poor or middle class, there will not be satisfaction that there are rich people. Not 'til we get rid of all the rich can we say we have finished the job.
I don't believe, folks, that the media people you see on TV every day from NPR to CBS to ABC to NBC to wherever are ever gonna admit they're irrelevant, and they're not gonna start acting like it, and they're never gonna say, "Gee, you know what? We might have to alter the way we're -" It isn't gonna happen, even if it means the end of them.
Folks, let me ask you a question about that. You voted in 2010, 2014. You're part of the Tea Party and you show up and you just vote. Republicans said they needed the House, and you gave it to 'em; then they said they needed the Senate, and you gave it to 'em. Do you feel like winners even after those two elections? Probably not, because you really didn't think the Republican Party was going to change their stripes and start acting on all this.
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Even though Donald Trump has won, even though Hillary Clinton has been vanquished, even though the left has suffered defeat after defeat after defeat, the Drive-By Media is still there, and they\'re still acting as they always do. They are setting the agenda. They are setting the narrative, establishing it, and they are determining what everybody talks about.
Even though Donald Trump has won, even though Hillary Clinton has been vanquished, even though the left has suffered defeat after defeat after defeat, the Drive-By Media is still there, and they're still acting as they always do. They are setting the agenda. They are setting the narrative, establishing it, and they are determining what everybody talks about.
Who do you think, as you gaze at the entire scene in Washington, who is it that's acting like a bunch of children? It isn't Trump. Who is it throwing the tantrums because they didn't get their way? Who is it acting like hysterical spoiled brats because their side lost the game? Who is it that's insisting, because they lost the game, that the rules be changed? Who is it that's acting like any average eight- to nine-year-old kid who's told he can't have any more Twinkies or whatever kids - marijuana; I don't know.