Quotes Rush Limbaugh - page 11

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Trump is actually achieving quite a lot. He has actually already fulfilled a whole bunch of campaign promises. The economy is doing great. Jobs, real jobs are being created. American companies are announcing they\'re gonna reopen factories here. The coal industry is coming back to life because of what Trump did. And for his part, you know, Trump seems aware about it.
Trump is actually achieving quite a lot. He has actually already fulfilled a whole bunch of campaign promises. The economy is doing great. Jobs, real jobs are being created. American companies are announcing they're gonna reopen factories here. The coal industry is coming back to life because of what Trump did. And for his part, you know, Trump seems aware about it.
The Democrats are about punishing achievement and punishing success and saying it's unjustified, it's unfair, and it may involve cheating and scandal. They stigmatize success because their voters are people who cannot achieve those things. The Democrats have made sure they don't even want to try.
I've learned from my experience that desire is 80% of achievement. That if you really, really want something, if you really, really, really want to do something, that the vast majority of achieving it is wanting it. I mean, really wanting it. Not a preference, and not, "Gee, I hope this." I mean really wanting it. It is the desire that makes you do what you have to do to achieve.
If your policy is immigration, you're gonna have a finite number, and you want the best people you can get. It's no different than when you're hiring for a company. It's no different than when you're assembling a group that has a task that you want to achieve. You want the best people. This is considered discriminatory by these idiots on the left, in the Democrat Party and the media. I do mean to use the word "idiot." I know it's a combination of many things.
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Unlike Marxists, conservatives they don't want to control anything. We believe in individualism, self-reliance, rugged individualism, and we trust people that in free markets and free circumstances they will do the best to improve themselves and their families. We want as few controls on them as possible. We love everybody, and we want the best for everybody, and we believe people should be free to use whatever talent and ambition and desire they have to achieve whatever they want.
You want to be a corporate success; you want to be an entrepreneurial success. That's the beginnings of the feminist movement which sought to emulate men.
In addition to trying to do the right thing and obey the law and follow principle, there's a part of the conservative, slash, Republican movement that believes if we just show that we're fair and impeccable, then we will get credit from those who think we're all these horrible things, and maybe they won't hate us as much.
The movement that appears to be put together and led by Trump actually existed before Trump came along. The people fed up with the Republican Party, the Tea Party types, the people fed up with the Republican Washington establishment, Democrats included.
The Republican Party and the conservative movement cannot unify around a single proposition, and the Democrats easily do. They have total contempt for us.
You\'re 25 and you\'re looking at adults of your parents\' age and older saying, \
You're 25 and you're looking at adults of your parents' age and older saying, "I don't want to live that way," and this is how it happens. It evolves slowly and it's not the result of any movement. It's just young people look at the way their parents are living and if they don't like it they don't want to duplicate it.
In no way, shape, manner, or form could the conservative movement or a conservative, a Burkean conservative could never, ever vote for some low-life like Donald Trump. It might affect their fundraising, which they need. It might affect their cruises, which they need. There could be any number of reasons for it, but in their minds it's rooted in principle.
What matters now, the only thing that matters right now is that whatever you think of the conservative movement and whoever you think is or isn't one, no matter who you think they are, they cannot unify around the concept of beating a Democrat. That's what you have to learn. If that's the movement you want to be part of, then you have at it.
The gay movement has realized its agenda, so they've gotta transfer that energy somewhere and transgenders is the next.
The conservative movement today is so fractured that I think you'd have a tough time actually defining it and pointing to it.
Who is the conservative movement, where is it located, and who runs it, and who's in charge of it? They can't even agree within the conservative movement who is a conservative and who isn't.
I go wading into the fire fit, but the conservative movement - jeez. Look at Milo [Yiannopoulos]. He's in his twenties. He's flamboyantly gay. We're nowhere near the conservative movement here. Ideologically he's pure. Ideologically he's brave, he's right down the line.
Make America great again." You know, to a lot of people, well, that's jingoistic. That's nationalism. That's cheap, that's rank, that's not a movement.
The remarks that [Steven] Lerner gave at Pace University: "'Unions are almost dead. We cannot survive doing what we do but the simple fact of the matter is community organizations are almost dead also. And if you think about what we need to do it may give us some direction which is essentially what the folks that are in charge - the big banks and everything - what they want is stability.'" So we have "'to destabilize the folks that are in power and start to rebuild a movement'".
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Other than areas of high-tech, fracking is probably one of the largest areas where concentrated growth in America\'s economy is taking place. There are oil booms in the Dakotas, in North Dakota. They are having to build entire cities, towns, to house employees showing up to work in fracking. The left is trying to shut it down under some claim that it destroys the environment. Natural gas and oil, of course, are the evil twins of opposition to the mainstream environmentalist wacko movement.
Other than areas of high-tech, fracking is probably one of the largest areas where concentrated growth in America's economy is taking place. There are oil booms in the Dakotas, in North Dakota. They are having to build entire cities, towns, to house employees showing up to work in fracking. The left is trying to shut it down under some claim that it destroys the environment. Natural gas and oil, of course, are the evil twins of opposition to the mainstream environmentalist wacko movement.
I've always said, "I love the women's movement, especially when walking behind it." And I have never understood why it is that people - you know, I hate liberalism. I'm totally opposed to liberalism. I do not like that at all.