Quotes Robert Breault - page 5

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A wise saying is something you keep picking up off the floor in front of your fridge
A wise saying is something you keep picking up off the floor in front of your fridge
It is still possible to have friendly discourse in America, as long as you don't bring up any subject.
The thing about a friendly smile is not just that it makes people like you but that it makes them like themselves.
Today's Multiple Choice Thought There is no place where a loving touch so completely compensates for an unskilled hand as in: a. the bedroom b. the nursery c. the garden
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To the student I would say, "Life is principally multiple choice, but at the end there's a tough essay question.
Where the loser saw barriers, the winner saw hurdles.
In childhood, we yearn to be grown-ups. In old age, we yearn to be kids. It just seems that all would be wonderful if we didn't have to celebrate our birthdays in chronological order.
I am not your dog, but if every time you saw me, you gave me a backrub, I would run to greet you, too.
We are each the star of our own situation comedy, and, with luck, the screwball friend in somebody else's.
Our most difficult task as a friend is to offer understanding when we don\'t understand.
Our most difficult task as a friend is to offer understanding when we don't understand.
Say what you want about aging, it's still the only way to have old friends.
As a friend, you first give your understanding, then you try to understand.
The strongest marriage is between two who seek the same God, the strongest friendship between two who flee the same devil.
You always think you could have done more. That's why you need a friend - to tell you you did all you could.
What do we ask of friendship except to be taken for what we pretend to be - and without having to pretend.
Do not be someone looking for [insert]. Be [insert] looking for someone. Suggestions for [insert]: —love —friendship —understanding —appreciation —tolerance —a helping hand —a leg up —an answer