Quotes Peace Pilgrim - page 3

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We have all the light we need, we just need to put it in practice.
We have all the light we need, we just need to put it in practice.
If you recognize that all of your inner hurts are caused by your own wrong actions or your own wrong reactions or your own wrong inaction, then you will stop hurting yourself.
All right prayer has good effect, but if you give your whole life to the prayer you multiply its power... No one really knows the full power of prayer. Of course, there is a relationship between prayer and action. Receptive prayer result in an inner receiving, which motivates to right action.
No outward thing - nothing, nobody from without - can hurt me inside, psychologically. I recognized that I could only be hurt psychologically by my own wrong actions, which I have control over; by my own wrong reactions (they are tricky, but I have control over them too); or by my own inaction in some situations, like the present world situation, that need action from me. When I recognized all this how free I felt! And I just stopped hurting myself.
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I would like to emphasize again that right prayer leads to right action, that faith without works is dead. An excellent way to put thoughts into action is to write a letter for peace.
That which is received from without can be compared with knowledge. It leads to believing, which is seldom strong enough to motivate to action. That which is confirmed from within after it is contacted from without, or that which is directly perceived from within (which is my way) can be compared with wisdom. It leads to a knowing, and action goes right along with it.
Worry is a useless mulling over of things we cannot change.
Worry is useless mulling over of things we cannot change. Worry is not concern, which would motivate you to do everything possible in a situation.
If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.
The way of peace is the way of love. Love is the greatest power on earth. It conquers all things.
The way of peace is the way of love. Love is the greatest power on earth. It conquers all things.
The valid research for the future is on the inner side, on the spiritual side.
Before the tongue can speak, it must have lost the power to wound.
People have found inner peace by losing themselves in a cause larger than themselves. Finding inner peace means coming from the self-centered life into the life centered.
The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace.
If you are not radiant with joy and friendliness, if you are not filled to overflowing with love and goodwill for all beings and all creatures and all creation, one thing is certain: you do not know God!
Humanity can only improve as people improve. When you have improved your life, you can inspire those around you to want to improve their lives. Remember that a few in harmony with God's will are more powerful than multitudes out of harmony.