Quotes Patti Smith - page 3

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I don\'t like answering to other people\'s philosophies. I don\'t have any philosophy, I just believe in stuff. Either I believe in something or I don\'t. Like, I believe in the Rolling Stones but not in the Dave Clark Five. There\'s nothing philosophic about it. Whenever I\'m linked with a movement, it pisses me off.
I don't like answering to other people's philosophies. I don't have any philosophy, I just believe in stuff. Either I believe in something or I don't. Like, I believe in the Rolling Stones but not in the Dave Clark Five. There's nothing philosophic about it. Whenever I'm linked with a movement, it pisses me off.
Besides me wanting to be an artist, I wanted to be a movie star.
Americans just don't know what being a movie star's all about.
People say hello to me. I mean, sometimes the sanitation truck goes by and says, hey Patti.
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Acknowledge all man as fellow creation, but don't follow him.
Everyone thinks of God as a man - you can't help it - Santa Claus was a man, therefore God has to be a man.
I'm from South Jersey: The idea of eating a roll with olive oil and anchovies or some kind of sardine and drinking mint tea definitely comes from reading Paul Bowles.
I don't consider writing a quiet, closet act. I consider it a real physical act. When I'm home writing on the typewriter, I go crazy. I move like a monkey. I've wet myself, I've come in my pants writing.
Hey sister, you're just moving too fast, you're screwing up the quota.
When I started making music, we\'d lost a lot of our great people. Rock was moving in a direction I didn\'t like. Rock was my generation\'s revolutionary, sexual, poetic, and political voice, but it had become corporatized. It was going into stadiums. It was so far removed from its basic roots.
When I started making music, we'd lost a lot of our great people. Rock was moving in a direction I didn't like. Rock was my generation's revolutionary, sexual, poetic, and political voice, but it had become corporatized. It was going into stadiums. It was so far removed from its basic roots.
Freedom is...the right to write the wrong words.
I imagined myself as Frida to Diego, both muse and maker. I dreamed of meeting an artist to love and support and work with side by side.
I find it painful when I'm without anything. But I work in multiple fields. If I can't write, I find myself taking photographs. I can go on the road and perform. But the most important thing for me is writing, and when I hit those walls, it's painful.
I had met Michael Stipe, and he was such a kind person, and extremely understanding, so I asked him if he knew a photographer who would come to Detroit, where I lived, who would be child friendly and who would respect my home. Michael suggested Steven [ Sebring]. One day a knock came at my door, and when I opened it, there was Steven. He's been like a brother ever since.
I don't know about that. I'm not a very analytical person. I have various impulses. I've often quoted Walt Whitman's phrase "I contain multitudes." I understand that.
Deep in my heart how the presence of you shines, in a light to last a whole life through.