Quotes Ovid

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All things change; nothing perishes.
All things change; nothing perishes.
The cause is hidden. The effect is visible to all.
The essence of true friendship is to make allowance for another's little lapses.
Let your hook always be cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.
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Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish.
Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.
A man is sorry to be honest for nothing.
Niobe would have been called most blessed of mothers, had she not seemed so herself.
A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace.
He who has it in his power to commit sin, is less inclined to do so. The very idea of being able, weakens the desire.
He who has it in his power to commit sin, is less inclined to do so. The very idea of being able, weakens the desire.
There is a deity within us who breathes that divine fire by which we are animated.
Consider the misfortunes of others, and you will be the better able to bear your own.
Stop short of your appetite; eat less than you are able.
Thus I am not able to exist either with you or without you; and I seem not to know my own wishes.
Love and dignity cannot share the same abode.
There is no brotherhood between love and dignity, Nor can they share the same abode.
With wavering steps does fickle fortune stray, Nowhere she finds a firm and fixed abode; But now all smiles, and now again all frowns, She's constant only in inconstancy.
Let me tell you I am better acquainted with you for a long absence, as men are with themselves for a long affliction: absence does but hold off a friend, to make one see him the truer.
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A short absence is the safest.
A short absence is the safest.
Overlook our deeds, since you know that crime was absent from our inclination. [Lat., Factis ignoscite nostris Si scelus ingenio scitis abesse meo.]