Quotes Neale Donald Walsch - page 5

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There is no free will if to exercise it in certain ways produces punishment. That makes a mockery of free will and renders it counterfeit.
There is no free will if to exercise it in certain ways produces punishment. That makes a mockery of free will and renders it counterfeit.
I think we need to find a way to provide people with a reason that the average man on the street can grasp and embrace, that would cause him to move away from the centuries-old idea of the individual and individualism, and move toward a different concept of what it means to be human in a collective society. Unless he has that reason, unless he has a fundamental reason to do that, it's going to be very difficult to cause him to make that shift, in my view.
All change is change for the better. There is no such thing as "change for the worse." Change is the process of Life Itself, and that process could be called by the name 'evolution.' And evolution moves in only one direction: forward, and toward improvement.
The only way to move forward on this is to ask yourself, "What would happen if everything I thought was 'wrong' was actually 'right'?
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All creation begins with thought ("Proceeds from the Father"). All creation then moves to word ("Ask and you shall receive, speak and it shall be done unto you"). All creation is fulfilled in deed ("And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us").
The best way to create a purposeful life is to allow the soul's decision to precede the body's action. One does not do something in order to be compassionate, one is compassionate and, therefore, does certain things in certain ways. The actions of the body were meant to be reflections of a state of being, not attempts to attain a state of being.
A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived of chance is a life of unconscious creation.
Your personal freedom to experience yourself and life as you wish is not being limited. Step into your choices and stop telling yourself that you can't, when what you really mean is that you don't want other people to feel the way you think that are going to feel when they see you making the choices you really want to make.
Your happy destiny is unavoidable. You cannot be "saved." There is no hell except not knowing this.
And we\'re seeing a higher level of consciousness and many more opportunities for people to challenge their present ways of thinking and move into a grander and larger experience of who they really are.
And we're seeing a higher level of consciousness and many more opportunities for people to challenge their present ways of thinking and move into a grander and larger experience of who they really are.
Move forward with no second-guessing, no guilt trips, no hesitation. Your purpose is to recreate yourself anew in each moment.
I was in my late thirties and decided my intention in life had nothing to do with the acquiring of material things, but rather it was now my intention to experience the evolution of my own soul and to grow spiritually. I wanted to come to know the highest truths of life and to express those truths in action, through myself. I wanted to become the grandest version of the greatest idea I ever held about who I am in regards to my relationship with God.
Every thought, emotion, and action is a statement about who we are, and who we are becoming. Why not make this statement 'On Purpose'?
Life proceeds out of your intention. Your true intention is revealed by your actions, and your actions are determined by your true intention. As with everything in life (and life itself), it is a circle.
The beginning is God. The end is action. Action is God creating-or God experienced.
The usual method of creation for most human beings is a three-step process involving thought, word, and deed or action. First comes thought; the formative idea; the initial concept. Then comes the word. Most thoughts ultimately form themselves into words, which are often then written or spoken. This gives added energy to the thought, pushing it out into the world, where it can be noticed by others. Finally, in some cases words are put into action, and you have what you call a result; a physical world manifestation of what all started with a thought.
Drop the thought that you cannot affect the future. Tell yourself that the future is not coming TO you, it is coming THROUGH you. The change that is coming to you is that change that you place in your future with the thoughts, words, and actions of today
I do not care what you do, and that is hard for you to hear. Yet do you care what your children do when you send them out to play? Is it a matter of consequence to you whether they play tag, or hide and seek, or pretend? No, it is not, because you know they are perfectly safe. You have placed them in an environment which you consider friendly and very okay.
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Passion is the love of turning being into action. It fuels the engine of creation. It changes concepts to experience.... Never deny passion, for that is to deny Who You Are, and Who You Truly Want To Be.
Passion is the love of turning being into action. It fuels the engine of creation. It changes concepts to experience.... Never deny passion, for that is to deny Who You Are, and Who You Truly Want To Be.
The best things in life are free. And it is important never to lose sight of that. So look around you. Wherever you see friendship, loyalty, laughter, and love...there is your treasure.