Quotes Narendra Modi - page 5

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A democracy can\'t succeed without people\'s participation. \'MyGov\' empowers the people of India to contribute towards Surajya.
A democracy can't succeed without people's participation. 'MyGov' empowers the people of India to contribute towards Surajya.
Energy security based on clean & reliable sources is essential for India's future. Nuclear energy has a key role in India's energy strategy.
Domains like Trade, Technology, Tourism, Talent and Tradition have the power to redefine existing paradigms.
The government is committed towards helping the poor and neo- middle class with the success mantra of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas. It is in line with government's vision to create a skilled and digital India.
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The Indian Railways will become the growth engine of the nation's 'Vikas Yatra'.
Our space programme has overcome many hurdles. At the same time it is one of the most cost effective programmes. This should make us proud.
It is a golden chapter in the history of India's maritime security. May INS Vikramaditya, imbibe the radiance of the sun and confidence of victory in each one of us.
Our identity in the world must change from Scam India to Skill India.
The need of the hour is to think big. The more we focus on skill, scale & speed, it will increase India's growth trajectory.
Skill development remains our priority. We are blessed with a demographic dividend that can take us to great heights.
Skill development remains our priority. We are blessed with a demographic dividend that can take us to great heights.
Forget if you are rich or poor. All you need is faith in yourself. If you have the passion to work then just get up and set forth and you will find the way!
Women have an important role in agriculture. We need to introduce technology, which will help us harness the potential of women in agriculture. We need to divide the agriculture sector into three parts- regular farming, farming of trees and animal husbandry. If we are able to do this, the contribution of our women will increase even more.
The Congress' name of 'INC' must be changed to 'Institutions Neglecting Congress'. Their habit is to misuse, abuse and reduce institutions.
I assure the ex servicemen that One Rank One Pension has been accepted in principle but it is in talks. We want to get a solution which is acceptable to all. Discussions have come to the final leg, we hope for a positive result.
In democracy, people's verdict is always final and we all have to accept it with humility.
So far as the government is concerned, there is ­only one holy book, which is the constitution of India. The unity and the integrity of the country are the topmost priorities. All religions and all communities have the same rights, and it is my responsibility to ensure their complete and total protection. My government will not tolerate or accept any discrimination based on caste, creed and religion.
The basis of democracy is tolerance to criticism. If you can't face criticism, if you can't accept it, then you cannot guard democracy, you are not eligible for it.
Congress' dynastic politics has shattered the hopes & aspirations of people. Congress hides behind the veil of secularism whenever its governance falters and its misconduct is exposed. This will no longer go unchallenged. The younger generation will not accept these actions of Congress!
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Social media changed my thought process and connected me to the rest of the world. And as I started connecting, the world started accepting me as I was. Nothing could be more satisfying.
Social media changed my thought process and connected me to the rest of the world. And as I started connecting, the world started accepting me as I was. Nothing could be more satisfying.
Today the world has to accept what India has been saying about terrorism. India's dialogue on terrorism, the losses India has suffered due to terrorism, the losses suffered by humanity, the world is now acknowledging that.