Quotes Narendra Modi - page 3

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Buddha is the crown jewel of the Indian nation which accepts all ways of worship of all religions. This quality of Hinduism in India was a product of many great spiritual masters chief among them was Buddha. And this is what sustains the secular character of India.
Buddha is the crown jewel of the Indian nation which accepts all ways of worship of all religions. This quality of Hinduism in India was a product of many great spiritual masters chief among them was Buddha. And this is what sustains the secular character of India.
Hindu philosophy was one of the greatest beneficiaries of the advent and the teachings of the Lord Buddha. I revere Buddha as a reformer of not only Hinduism but also the world, who has given all of us a new world view and vision which is critical for the survival of all of us and the entire world.
The life of Gautama Buddha illustrates the power of service, compassion and, most importantly, renunciation. He was convinced that material wealth is not the sole goal.
I salute the poor of our country who have deposited more than Rs 20,000 crore in Jan Dhan Bank Accounts.
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India is a 2 trillion dollar economy today. Can we not dream of an India with a 20 trillion dollar economy?
Our education apparatus can't be one that produces robots. That can happen in laboratory. There has to be overall personality development.
When I came here in 1999, all one could hear was the sound of the guns as guns were booming all around. Today I am only hearing clapping of hands.
There is no question in the fact that India has a global responsibility, and the coming "Gyan Yug" would see India play a pivotal role, using the strengths of its democracy and demographic dividend.
India has seen a dream of Digital India. From latest science to latest technology, everything should be available at the tip of one's finger.
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