Quotes Narendra Modi

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The mantra of independence was Satyagraha. And the warriors were Satyagrahis. The mantra of New Age India must be Swachhagrah. And the warriors will be Swachhagrahis.
The mantra of independence was Satyagraha. And the warriors were Satyagrahis. The mantra of New Age India must be Swachhagrah. And the warriors will be Swachhagrahis.
I can assure our countrymen that India is safe in the hands of the brave warriors of our Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard.
The previous Governments took pride in making laws, but I am happier removing laws. Let's open the windows, let some fresh air come in.
If the 21st Century is the era of knowledge and of knowledgeable human-force, then, to extol this force, Gujarat must form a strong bond with books.
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The world is divided into 2 streams - the one of 'Vistarvaad' & and the other of 'Vikasvaad'. Vikasvaad is indispensable in 21st Century! India & Japan need to join hands to take the pride of Vikasvaad to greater heights.
I see Lord Buddha in the 21st Century across national borders, across faith systems, across political ideologies, playing the role of a bridge to promote understanding to counsel patience and to enlighten us with tolerance and empathy.
A new institution with new design, structure, body, soul, new thinking, and direction will replace the Planning Commission. It will be one that caters to the aspirations of 21st century India.
21st century is the century of knowledge and the world has always looked at India whenever knowledge finds prominence. Emergence of knowledge society is no more a slogan but has become a reality. Knowledge will be the fountainhead of all the activities that happen in human development.
The 21st century is the century of knowledge. Knowledge, science and education will have the power and strength to embrace the entire universe.
Earlier the world was bi polar. Foreign policy would be centered around two super powers. India was a little late in realizing that this bi polar situation was for namesake. Now the entire world, in changed circumstances, especially in 21st century, it is more interdependent and inter connected, earlier, the foreign policy was possible between governments, but today it is not possible just between governments. Government relations are important but increasing people to people contact is equally important. There\'s been a shift in paradigm.
Earlier the world was bi polar. Foreign policy would be centered around two super powers. India was a little late in realizing that this bi polar situation was for namesake. Now the entire world, in changed circumstances, especially in 21st century, it is more interdependent and inter connected, earlier, the foreign policy was possible between governments, but today it is not possible just between governments. Government relations are important but increasing people to people contact is equally important. There's been a shift in paradigm.
The 21st Century should be India's century but from 2004 to 2014 bad ideas and bad actions have affected the country adversely. Every day was a new bad day and there were new scandals. People were furious.
Only If there is devotion to knowledge, the 21st century will become India's century and the foundation of that will be laid by the 'Vanche Gujarat' movement.
Can serving the mother be a favour? A son is only dedicated to serve the mother....The favour has been done by the party.
So, this is my government's agenda: educate your daughter and save your daughter.
India's sex ratio is 1000 boys for 940 girls. Who creates this disparity? It isn't God. Don't fill your coffers by sacrificing the mother's womb. People feel that sons will take care of them when they are old. But I have seen aged parents in old-age homes. I have seen families where one daughter serves parents more than five sons.
I was born in a very poor family. I used to sell tea in a railway coach as a child. My mother used to wash utensils and do lowly household work in the houses of others to earn a livelihood. I have seen poverty very closely. I have lived in poverty.I decided that I would not live for myself but would live for others.
What we teach our children is that earth is your mother that provides; she's a giver. So, please first ask forgiveness from the mother earth before you step on to it and cause it pain.
If you read the biography of any great man, you will always notice two things: His mother's contribution in his progress and his teacher's contribution in his growth and development.
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Secularism is not only in our constitution but also in our veins. We worship Mother Nature too. We believe that the world is our family.
Secularism is not only in our constitution but also in our veins. We worship Mother Nature too. We believe that the world is our family.
Their thought is India is a beehive (Madhumakhi Ka Chhata) but our thought is India is our Mother (Maata). Their thought is poverty is a state of mind, our thought is that the poor are manifestation of Almighty. Their thought is to divide and rule, our thought is to integrate and do development. Their soch is Vanshvaad, our soch is Rashtravaad. They say Rajneeti is everything, we say Rashtraneeti is everything. Your thought is to save the chair, our thought is to save the nation.