Quotes Michael Caine - page 3

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My most useful acting tip came from my pal John Wayne. Talk low, talk slow, and don\'t say too much.
My most useful acting tip came from my pal John Wayne. Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much.
When you reach the top, that's when the climb begins.
Funny things happen to you in movies for silly reasons.
I'm a sort of boy next door. If that boy has a good scriptwriter.
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I'm the audience's representative on earth.
No matter what the reason, if you start to scream and shout, you look a fool, and you feel a fool, and you earn the disrespect of everyone.
In film, other actors' performances really are not your concern. If the other actor isn't giving you what you want, act as though he were.
When becoming a character, you have to steal. Steal whatever you see. You can even steal from other actors' characterizations; but if you do, only steal from the best.
You've got to be flexible. Directors do a massive amount of planning and homework, and if after all that your director decides to throw it all out of the window and shoot spontaneously, then you must follow his lead.
Not only is acting more than a part-time job, it\'s more than a full-time job. It\'s a full-time obsession.
Not only is acting more than a part-time job, it's more than a full-time job. It's a full-time obsession.
If you really want to become an actor, but only providing that acting doesn't interfere with your golf game, political ambitions and your life, you don't want to become an actor. Not only is acting more than a part time job, it's more than a full time job. It's a full time obsession.
You must always steal, but only from the best people. Steal any trick that looks worthwhile. If you see Vivien Leigh or Robert DeNiro or Meryl Streep do something stunningly effective, and you can analyze how he or she did it, then pinch it. Because you can be sure that they stole it in the first place.
Acting is not a competition; everything must be done for the good of the film or else everybody loses.
You're your first best audience, long before anybody else hears you. So don't be an easy audience. Keep asking for more.
Theater acting is an operation with a scalpel, movie acting is an operation with a laser
I started with the firm conviction that when I came to the end, I wanted to be regretting the things that I had done, not the things I hadn't.
Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.
My mum never understood how much I earned. When I told her I earned a million pounds a film, she said, 'How much is that?'
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The first actor I ever saw was The Lone Ranger. I thought: \
The first actor I ever saw was The Lone Ranger. I thought: "That's what I want to do.
I've been in every disco in the world. I saw a picture of my wife Shakira and I dancing in Studio 54; I didn't even know someone had taken that picture.