Quotes Michael Caine - page 2

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If I see any injustice done, I have a big enough mouth and the position to open up about it.
If I see any injustice done, I have a big enough mouth and the position to open up about it.
If you're a movie actor, you're on your own - you cannot control the stage. The director controls it.
The difference between a movie star and a movie actor is this - a movie star will say, 'How can I change the script to suit me?' and a movie actor will say. 'How can I change me to suit the script?'
Movie acting is about covering the machinery. Stage acting is about exposing the machinery. In cinema, you should think the actor is playing himself, if he's that good. It looks very easy. It should. But it's not, I assure you.
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I am in so many movies that are on TV at 2:00 a.m. that people think I am dead.
I think life has got to develop as you get older, and I don't want to be wandering along doing the same old thing. I want more out of life.
I'm not in the Lifetime Achievement area yet-I'm still battling it out in the trenches.
Movie actors earn their living and learn their craft through listening and reacting.
For me, the performance was always playing different people. And so when I got older, was no longer the romantic leading movie star, it became more and more interesting for me, the characters I played, you know?
If you\'re a movie star, you get the girl, you lose the girl, and then you get her back. But if you\'re a character like me, you lose the girl, then you get another one, then you get another one, then you lose them all, then you lose your life.
If you're a movie star, you get the girl, you lose the girl, and then you get her back. But if you're a character like me, you lose the girl, then you get another one, then you get another one, then you lose them all, then you lose your life.
To be a movie star, you have to invent yourself.
When you're a movie star and you're young, you are always playing someone who's a better fighter, a better lover, a better everything than you.
A lot of movie stars are not great actors; they're just very good-looking. And when they start to age and they don't have the looks any more, then it's over.
To be a movie star, you have to carry a movie. And to carry a movie where you play the title role is the supreme example.
First of all, I choose the great roles, and if none of these come, I choose the mediocre ones, and if they don't come, I choose the ones that pay the rent.
I've been acting a long time, and I can play a Cockney gangster or a womanizer in my sleep or standing on my head. But what I try to do is I try to find characters that are as far away from me as I possibly can and then make them real. A French Nazi is about as far away from me as I can possibly get without actually going to Mars or something.
I'm looking for me to disappear, and the acting to disappear, and all you see is a real person.
That to me is what my idea of film acting should be. There shouldn't be any acting. You should just be watching a real person.
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Great acting is about listening to what they are saying ....not waiting to deliver your lines.
Great acting is about listening to what they are saying ....not waiting to deliver your lines.
You can see all sorts of things in film acting if you know where to look and what to look for. One thing I often notice is that the actor is looking for his mark, the place where he has to stand to be in the right place in the shot.