Quotes Mehmet Murat Ildan - page 4

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Plains deceive you; they cause you to think that life is easy! Mountains never deceive you; they teach you the realties! Go to the mountains!
Plains deceive you; they cause you to think that life is easy! Mountains never deceive you; they teach you the realties! Go to the mountains!
Freedom gives you the air of the high mountains.
Just like a mountain goat climbing very steep and dangerous land to lick salt from the rocks, man also should take high risks to get what he wants!
A clever man can see the world from a cave much better than a stupid man can from the top of a mountain!
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Before claiming that your own country have the best mountain or have the most wonderful forest or have the prettiest temple, first travel around the world!
Dwarf is dwarf even at the top of the mountain; giant is giant even at the bottom of the well!
Elephants don't know anything about the world of ants; the peaks of mountains are oblivious of what is happening on the plains!
Every man is free to push the mountains, but mountains won't move with these pushes.
However small you might be, if necessary, struggle against the mountain of evils however big it may be!
Science is the tongue in the mouth of the Universe; it is destined to know every little corner of the cosmos.
Science is the tongue in the mouth of the Universe; it is destined to know every little corner of the cosmos.
When you close your mouth, your ears will be bigger!
If you want to call a man to account, don't do it when he is weak; call him to account when he is strong! Cowards choose the first way and the valiant choose the second way.
I'm saying that the leaders of the church have locked the sacred cow called science in the stable and they won't let anybody enter; they should open it immediately so that we can milk that cow in the name of humanity and thus find the truth.
Religion now has degenerated and it has turned into a wolf; it has opened its mouth to show his ugly teeth; its spreading fear instead of love; and science has hidden in a corner like a lamb, trembling with fear!
The 'stream' we call science always flows forward; sometimes reactionary beavers block its flow, but the stream is never defeated by this; it accumulates, gathers strength; its waters get over the barrage and continue on their course. The advancement of science is the advancement of God, for science is nothing but human intelligence, and human intelligence is the most valuable treasure God has bequeathed us.
What love can achieve, nothing else can achieve!
How very much horrible would it be, if achieving everything was so easy! We bear life because there is struggle!
They say martyrdom is the highest rank a believer can achieve! Do not believe in this! The highest rank is the life itself, it is the existence itself! There is no rank in death, but only nothingness! Rank exists only in life! Stick to the life, stay away from death! Neither kill nor die!
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Woody Allen once said that \'I don\'t want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying.\' This is certainly a very wise wish! Whoever grasped the triviality of anything besides the existence is a wise man indeed! There is no substitute for life!
Woody Allen once said that 'I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying.' This is certainly a very wise wish! Whoever grasped the triviality of anything besides the existence is a wise man indeed! There is no substitute for life!
Modern man uses ideas and persuasion to achieve his goals; primitive man uses guns and brute force to achieve his goals! Moral and clever people choose the first method; immoral and stupid people choose the second method!