Quotes Megan Fox

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I would love to do a movie naked; it would be beautiful. No one dares make that kind of film today. They did it in the 1930s in an arty way, so why not now?
I would love to do a movie naked; it would be beautiful. No one dares make that kind of film today. They did it in the 1930s in an arty way, so why not now?
Because everyone is someone's child, every woman seems like someone's mother.
I've done one movie. And it's not a movie I want to stand on as far as acting ability goes. I mean, I'm not going to win an Oscar anytime soon. I'm not Meryl Streep.
All humans are born with the ability to be attracted to both sexes.
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I don't know if you're ever prepared for public scrutiny. I don't know if you can even mentally prepare yourself for it. But it is part of the job. It's maybe not the most pleasant part but I get to experience so many other things that I shouldn't be able to experience. So, that's the trade-off.
I have absolutely no skill set that would suggest that I would be able to do directing. [...] If I were able to, I'd like to get into that.
I think you accidentally learn things in high school that turn out to be life lessons when you are able to step back a bit and study them in more depth.
If you're billed as a comedian, people will accept anything you say as light-hearted and not with intent behind it.
There are the people who really, really enjoy being celebrities, and then there are the people who came by it maybe by accident. I'm one of those people who fiercely guards their privacy, so I hate doing interviews.
I could see myself in a relationship with a girl - Olivia Wilde is so sexy she makes me want to strangle a mountain ox with my bare hands. She’s mesmerizing.
I could see myself in a relationship with a girl - Olivia Wilde is so sexy she makes me want to strangle a mountain ox with my bare hands. She’s mesmerizing.
I have a mouth and I'm not afraid to use it.
It is very difficult to be under the microscope every moment of every day. Everything that leaves your mouth becomes this sensationalized news story, no matter what your intentions were when you first said it, so it becomes overwhelming.
Ninety-eight percent of the things that come out of my mouth are intended to be harmless or even charming. They're not ever intended to be offensive or controversial.
I don't want to open my mouth or speak anymore, because everything I say becomes scandalous. It wears you out.
I'm very domestic, and I think that keeps me sane. My personal relationships keep me grounded.
Sarcasm doesn't translate in print at all.
Sometimes I say things that I think are obviously sarcastic and people take them quite literally.
I don’t want to have to be like a Scarlett Johansson – who I have nothing against, but I don’t want to have to go on talk shows and pull out every single SAT word I’ve every learned to prove, like, ‘Take me seriously, I am intelligent, I can speak.’ I don’t want to have to do that. I resent having to prove that I’m not a retard – but I do. And part of it is my own fault.
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I like working on action films, and I like working on movies that are comic book based, or that have this theme, because they\'re things I watched or loved as a kid.
I like working on action films, and I like working on movies that are comic book based, or that have this theme, because they're things I watched or loved as a kid.
I still like the run and gun action movies and how truly dangerous it can be to make these films.