Quotes Mahatma Gandhi - page 2

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I learned from my illiterate but wise mother that all rights to be deserved and preserved came from duty well done. Thus the very right to live accrues to us only when we do the duty of citizenship of the world. From this one fundamental statement, perhaps it is easy enough to define the duties of Man and Woman and correlate every right to some corresponding duty to be first performed. Every other right can be shown to be a usurpation hardly worth fighting for.
I learned from my illiterate but wise mother that all rights to be deserved and preserved came from duty well done. Thus the very right to live accrues to us only when we do the duty of citizenship of the world. From this one fundamental statement, perhaps it is easy enough to define the duties of Man and Woman and correlate every right to some corresponding duty to be first performed. Every other right can be shown to be a usurpation hardly worth fighting for.
Indeed the very word, nonviolence, a negative word, means that it is an effort to abandon the violence that is inevitable in life.
I care so deeply about this matter that I'm willing to take on the legal penalties, to sit in this prison cell, to sacrifice my freedom, in order to show you how deeply I care. Because when you see the depth of my concern, and how civil I am in going about this, you're bound to change your mind about me, to abandon your rigid, unjust position, and to let me help you see the truth of my cause.
Nothing once begun should be abandoned, unless it is proved to be morally wrong.
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Religion is a matter of the heart. No physical inconvenience can warrant abandonment of one's own religion.
A mother would never by choice sleep in a wet bed but she would gladly do so in order to spare the dry bed for her child.
I have not know a worthy son to whom his mother appeared ugly.
The Gita is not only my Bible and my Koran, it is more than that, it is my mother.
If the English educated neglect, as they have done and even now continue, as some do, to be ignorant of their mother tongue, linguistic starvation will abide.
God has enabled man to distinguish between his sister, his mother, his daughter and his wife.
God has enabled man to distinguish between his sister, his mother, his daughter and his wife.
Seeing God face to face is to feel that He is enthroned in our hearts even as a child feels a mother's affection without needing any demonstration.
India must protect her primary industries even as a mother protects her children against the whole world without being hostile to it.
My mother would tell me that the shortest cut to purification after the unholy touch was to cancel the touch by touching any Mussalman passing by.
Mother cow is as useful dead as when she is alive.
Mother cow expects from us nothing but grass and grain.
Mother cow is in many ways better than the mother who gave us birth.
Adversity is the mother of progress.
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.
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There is a sufficiency in the world for man\'s need but not for man\'s greed.
There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.
To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.