Quotes Madonna Ciccone

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I pay attention to what\'s going on around me. I\'m always looking for new energy, new talent, new voices. When you do that I think it\'s easier to come up with fresh ideas. It\'s not that my career has been based on surprising people, but it\'s been about challenging myself - to constantly do new things that are going to broaden my own mind and in the process, hopefully, connect with other people.
I pay attention to what's going on around me. I'm always looking for new energy, new talent, new voices. When you do that I think it's easier to come up with fresh ideas. It's not that my career has been based on surprising people, but it's been about challenging myself - to constantly do new things that are going to broaden my own mind and in the process, hopefully, connect with other people.
Crucifixes are sexy because there's a naked man on them.
Obviously, my tastes and my priorities have changed. But I'm still asking the question 'Why?' Just because I'm a mother doesn't mean I'm not still a rebel and that I don't want to go in the face of convention and challenge the system. I never wanted to think in a robotic way, and I don't want my children to think that way, either.
Art keeps me alive. I've obviously been devastated or heartbroken all my life, since my mother's death.
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I think the biggest reason I was able to express myself and not be intimidated was by not having a mother. For example, mothers teach you manners. And I absolutely did not learn any of those rules and regulations.
I hadn't been onstage in a while. The last time was pre-children. And before I went on [at Roseland], my kids were backstage, and I thought, This isn't how I usually do it. I've got kids, and I'm thinking, This is weird. It's weird juggling children on your knee while you're in your rhinestone outfit. And I'm thinking, Okay, I'm gonna go out and do a show and I'm gonna be Superwoman! But I'm not really, `cause I'm a mom. It's all very strange.
Nowadays New-York is not the exciting place it used to be. It still has great energy; I still put my finger in the socket. But it doesn't feel alive, cracking with that synergy between the art world and music world and fashion world that was happening in the 80s. A lot of people died.
I love being a mother. My children fill me up in many ways, and inspire me in many ways, but I need a partner in my life and I think most people feel that way.
I do think that the birth of my daughter was sort of a rebirth for me. It made me look at life in a completely new way. And that made me appreciate life in a way I don't think I ever had before.
My daughter has a problem picking things up in her room. So if you leave your clothes on the floor, so if you leave your clothes on the floor, they\'re gone when you come home.
My daughter has a problem picking things up in her room. So if you leave your clothes on the floor, so if you leave your clothes on the floor, they're gone when you come home.
My mother died when I was five, and all I did was sit and cry. I cried and cried and cried all day, until the neighbors went away.
I see a huge paradox in me - the intense need to be loved and the search for approval juxtaposed with the need to nurture other people, to be the mother I never had.
Motherhood was the beginning of my own journey asking the question, 'Why am I here?' I had to stop and think: What am I doing to teach my daughter? What do I believe in?
We're in the world of creating illusions and giving people the ability to dream and to be inspired or moved.
I hope I will always have the ability to create art and live in a world where I can speak freely, and I can inspire people. I don't know what form that will take.
My goal from the very beginning was just to write good songs that don't require any production to be felt or understood. I wanted to be able to sit in a room with a guitar and play the song from beginning to end and have it be as impactful as if you heard the studio version with all the bells and whistles.
Being able to step outside of yourself in order to help someone else is why we're all here, it's what we should all be doing if we can.
I think the silence would be good with me, and not interacting with people would be okay. But not being able to move outside of the space would be hard. Not being able to walk around - the stillness of my body, physically - that would be the challenge.
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The only way I\'ve been able to survive the betrayal of lovers, family members, and society is to be able to create as an artist.
The only way I've been able to survive the betrayal of lovers, family members, and society is to be able to create as an artist.
I'd love to be a memorable figure in the history of entertainment in some sexual, comic, tragic way. I'd like to leave the impression that Marilyn Monroe did, to be able to arouse so many different feelings in people.