Quotes Louise Hay
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The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.
If your mother did not know how to love herself, or your father did not know how to love himself, then it would be impossible for them to teach you to love yourself. They were doing the best they could with what they had been taught as children.
The ability to relax and be mindfully present in the moment comes naturally when we are grateful.
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Your unique creative talents and abilities are flowing through you and are being expressed in deeply satisfying ways. Your creativity is always in demand.
Your security is not your job, or your bank account, or your investments, or your spouse or your parents. Your security is your ability to connect with the cosmic power that creates all things.
I am unlimited in my own ability to create the good in my life.
Be grateful for what you do have, and you will find it increases. I like to bless with love all that is in my life right now-my home, the heat, water, light, telephone, furniture, plumbing, appliances, clothing, transportation, jobs-the money I do have, friends, my ability to see and feel and taste and touch and walk and to enjoy this incredible planet.
No matter where we live on the planet or how difficult our situation seems to be, we have the ability to overcome and transcend our circumstances.

Deep at the center of my being there is an infinite well of gratitude. I now allow this gratitude to fill my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being. This gratitude radiates out from me in all directions, touching everything in my world, and returns to me as more to be grateful for. The more gratitude I feel, the more I am aware that the supply is endless.
If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you.
They will often tell me they can't love themselves because they are so fat, or as one girl put it, 'too round at the edges.' I explain that they are fat because they don't love themselves. When we begin to love and approve of ourselves, it's amazing how weight just disappears from our bodies.
We are each responsible for all of our experiences.
See God in every person, place, and thing, and all will be well in your world.
You DO know what to do.
If you don't eat right and you don't know how to take care of your body, you're not going to have the energy to do anything wonderful.
Rejoice in the abundance of being able to awaken each morning and experience a new day. Be glad to be alive, to be healthy, to have friends, to be creative, to be a living example of the joy of living. Live to your highest awareness. Enjoy your transformationa l process.
Well, I believe you created those experiences over and over because they mirrored something you believed about yourself. It doesn't really matter how long we have had a problem, or how big it is, or how life-threatening it is. The Point of Power Is Always in the Present Moment.
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Be willing to take the first step, no matter how small it is. Concentrate on the fact that you are willing to learn. Absolute miracles will happen.