Quotes LeBron James - page 3

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You learn from mistakes, you learn from losses, but this game doesn\'t put something on me where it\'s, \'Hey, I\'ve finally done it. This was a big game. We won it and we have to move on.\'
You learn from mistakes, you learn from losses, but this game doesn't put something on me where it's, 'Hey, I've finally done it. This was a big game. We won it and we have to move on.'
The best option for me to do was not to move. I tried, and any little nudge or step, it the cramping would get worse. It was the whole left leg ... nearly the whole left side. ... I drank a lot of fluids at halftime. I even changed my uniform.
I'm not about saving franchises.
As a parent, if you have multiple kids, you can't teach them all the same thing because they all have different personalities. They're their own person.
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That's crazy, because I had no idea what the word 'contraction' meant before I saw it on the Internet.