Quotes Lady Gaga - page 2

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You must always remember, the most important fashion accessory is the condom.
You must always remember, the most important fashion accessory is the condom.
People ask me why I wear veils. I reply, I am mourning. Mourning what? Well I figure something shitty must be going on somewhere.
I dropped out of NYU, moved out of my parent's house, got my own place, and survived on my own. I made music and worked my way from the bottom up.
If anyone tells you that you can't achieve your dreams, or puts you down, make your hand into a claw and tell them you're a little monster and you can do whatever the f*** you want.
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Being different is a talent. You illuminate what makes you special in the sea of sameness around you.
You shouldn't have to have money to have a luxury fragrance.
I am my own sanctuary and I can be reborn as many times as I choose throughout my life.
The last thing a young woman needs is another picture of a sexy pop star writhing in sand, covered in grease, touching herself.
I'm not a sandwich store that only sells turkey sandwiches. I sell a lot of different things.
I\'m not interested, Larry, in being a perfect, plastic pop singer that looks great in bikinis and is on the cover of every magazine. I\'m more interested in helping my fans to love who they are, and helping them to reject prejudice and reject those things that they\'re taught from society to not like themselves, to feel like freaks, that they\'re not wanted.
I'm not interested, Larry, in being a perfect, plastic pop singer that looks great in bikinis and is on the cover of every magazine. I'm more interested in helping my fans to love who they are, and helping them to reject prejudice and reject those things that they're taught from society to not like themselves, to feel like freaks, that they're not wanted.
I don't like L.A. It's just not fun. I don't know why, but I just don't get it. You have to drive to get everywhere, and when it rains everybody freaks out.
Every bit of me is devoted to love and art. And I aspire to try to be a teacher to my young fans who feel just like I felt when I was younger. I just felt like a freak. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm trying to liberate them, I want to free them of their fears and make them feel that they can make their own space in the world.
I used to get made fun of for being either too provocative or too eccentric, so I started to tone it down. I didn't fit in, and I felt like a freak.
The whole point of what I do - the monster ball, the music, the performance art aspect of it, I wanna create a space for my fans where they can feel free and they can celebrate because I didn't fit in in high school and I felt like a freak, so I like to create this atmosphere for my fans where they feel like they have a freak in me to hang out with and they don't feel alone.
It's hard to be strong and be weak at the same time. So I spent a lot of time sitting still. Sitting still for hours, not moving a muscle. Really concentrated work, so I'm ready. I'm ready for my performance.
O, say does that star-spangled flag of pride yet wave? O'er the land of the free, and the home for the gay!
Fashion is that thing that saved me from being sad.
God bless pop music and God bless MTV.
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They say that this country is free, and they say that this country is equal, but it is not equal if it\'s \'sometimes\'...We need change now. We demand actions now.
They say that this country is free, and they say that this country is equal, but it is not equal if it's 'sometimes'...We need change now. We demand actions now.
You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way.