Quotes Kristen Stewart - page 3

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I don\'t want to discredit people\'s individuality, but I think people are pretty much the same. People are very similar. If you have a good enough imagination then you can feel things that you personally have never done before. That\'s acting.
I don't want to discredit people's individuality, but I think people are pretty much the same. People are very similar. If you have a good enough imagination then you can feel things that you personally have never done before. That's acting.
I'm so not a performer, my drive to do [acting] is so different to other people - and I'm not discrediting that, they're born performers, they're people that you love to watch just be themselves. I like to be a little bit more in control. I like to make something.
Acting was my classroom in many ways and I always believed and I still do that acting is not just about pretending to be someone else, it's also about discovering yourself and reaching deeper inside yourself.
It's interesting how you can blur the line between acting and living and learn from your performances. I'm just trying to keep learning as much as I can and not get caught up in all the distractions that can play havoc with your mind.
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Acting is such a personal thing, which is weird because at the same time it's not. It's for the consumption of other people. But in terms of creative outlets and expressing yourself, it's just the most extreme version of that that I've ever found. It's like running, it's exertion.
Actors walk around wearing these little tool-belts of acting skills. And I just don't find that interesting to watch. I never want to see someone who clearly can cry at the drop of a hat. That's so uninteresting.
I really, specifically, love acting, and I think it's a really cool thing to be really indulgent and follow that. I have a lot of ambitions in life, but for the next few years, I just want to be an actor. That's a lucky opportunity, and that drives me to want to be good at that.
I mean there's that awesome quote where Joanne Woodward said, 'Acting is like sex: you should do it, not talk about it.'
A lot of actors think that what we do is so important, like we're saving people's lives or something.
When I was a kid, you went and saw movies. You knew very little about the actor\'s personal life except what would be, like, in Photoplay or something. We didn\'t hear \
When I was a kid, you went and saw movies. You knew very little about the actor's personal life except what would be, like, in Photoplay or something. We didn't hear "The Making of..." every single movie, and actors didn't have to put this tremendous piece of work that they'd done into a sound bite.
An actor gives voice to the many multitudes that we all contain. That's why we love the movies, why we love TV shows: we watch different people portray an aspect of ourselves, maybe even one we don't like.