Quotes Kristen Stewart

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My mom is a script supervisor. It\'s like the family business. It never had that feeling of entertainment. It was always more like, \
My mom is a script supervisor. It's like the family business. It never had that feeling of entertainment. It was always more like, "Eh, it's just a movie," with that crew mentality, which is, "We've done it before and we can do it again.
I'm so grateful that I was raised by a mother who really instilled in me that my moral compass and achievements all had to come from a real place that had nothing to do with my beauty or how I looked. That was very big for her.
My mother found a letter, though, that I wrote her when I was 8 years old and it was a letter where I asked if she could take me to the orphanage because I would like to adopt a little baby.
I can't do what my mother did, which is tell me every single day of my life about her labor and how long it was and how it was 36 hours of hell .
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Everyone always says, 'Kristen got 'Panic Room' because she looks like Jodie Foster.' But it was actually Nicole Kidman who was supposed to play my mother.
I think I'm a bit less inhibited, and not thinking too much before speaking. It's not about being shameful, I'm just a bit more unabashedly myself because of this thing, and it probably started at age 15. I can be around people and say what I think without fear.
I'm asked all the time in interviews about who I am, and I know a few people my age who have a strong sense of self, but I couldn't say I know myself and sum it up and give it to you in a little package. I don't know myself at all yet.
I've just grown into not having to care so much and to not try to think that I'm going to be able to plan out the way that everyone perceives me. There are no false impressions. Everyone's impression of you is going to be what it is in that isolated moment.
I just happened to have enough time to be able to take other parts between those first few Twilight films. But it wasn't about proving to people that I had something else to give.
I\'m 19, and, being a public figure, I\'m supposed to present myself in a certain way, but it\'s hard and you\'re never going to be able to tell people who you are through the media.
I'm 19, and, being a public figure, I'm supposed to present myself in a certain way, but it's hard and you're never going to be able to tell people who you are through the media.
I don’t think I would ever have been able to be an actress had I not started at nine years old. I would have been the last person to stand up and say, ‘I’d like to star in the play.’
It is said that I'm distant and cold. I'm just someone who's very shy. I'm not comfortable doing interviews because I have to talk about myself. To talk about yourself, you have to know yourself pretty well and I feel like there are still some shades in me that I don't know about.
Pity is a really odd thing with abused women. You don't want anyone to think that you feel bad - even though you might.
People have a hard time accepting when someone displays even the slightest amount of discomfort in the spotlight. You're supposed to soak up every bit of fame like it’s sunshine.
I think our need to be loved is so great that it's the thing that damages us the most. I think that's something we can find in any person, though some people are more in tune with it or accepting of it or have moved past it and dealt with it or have a healthier thought process about it than others.
I'm definitely never going to be a biker. I'm scared of cars so the idea of riding a motorcycle is just never going to be something that I'm into.
As soon as I stopped trying to control everything that came out of my mouth and every picture that came out, that's when I became so much happier.
I should just stop trying to control what's coming out of my mouth. I'm always going to keep what's important to me in mind and I completely understand considering that we're playing characters that are so coveted by so many people so I get why they want to know more about us. I just sort of have to not think about it.
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There\'s an idea about who I am that\'s eternally projected onto me, and then I almost feel like I have to fulfill that role. Even when things come out of my mouth, I want to be sure I\'m saying exactly what I mean.
There's an idea about who I am that's eternally projected onto me, and then I almost feel like I have to fulfill that role. Even when things come out of my mouth, I want to be sure I'm saying exactly what I mean.
I don't want to make movies for kids, and I don't want to make movies for adults either.