Quotes Jill Stein - page 3

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I was very engaged by the folk music movement.Bob Dylan; Joan Baez; Peter, Paul and Mary. And then I sort of discovered world music, and fell in love with ethnic music of all sorts.
I was very engaged by the folk music movement.Bob Dylan; Joan Baez; Peter, Paul and Mary. And then I sort of discovered world music, and fell in love with ethnic music of all sorts.
[I like] Victor Jara and the music of Chile, and the social movement in Chile.
I became really interested in the community health care movement and community health centers, which Boston was sort of a leading center for.
Jack Geiger, for example, was a leader of that movement. He was part of Physicians for Social Responsibility, which was kind of one of the ways that I worked my way into social activism in medicine.
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Many years ago I was part of a public health movement that raised concerns about the mercury in vaccines and about the heavy dose that infants get - used to. They don't anymore.
Where does Donald Trump come from - and it's not just Donald Trump. It's a whole movement of right-wing extremism, not just in this country but also in Europe, which is a response to globalization, to the financialization of our economy, you know, to the trade agreements that throw working people under the bus.
Surprisingly, though, you know, there are red states in which we are doing very well because the Democrats don't really even try in the red states and they don't visit there. So it's too soon to say. You know, at this point we are building a movement. We are reaching out, especially to millennials.
We would also lean on Turkey to ensure that it closes its border to the movement of jihadi groups.
As Bernie Sanders said himself, it's a movement, not a man. And that movement continues to move into our campaign.
As Bernie Sanders himself said, you know, the [Donald] Trump movement reflects the economic despair and misery that\'s been inflicted not only on the American people but people around the world.
As Bernie Sanders himself said, you know, the [Donald] Trump movement reflects the economic despair and misery that's been inflicted not only on the American people but people around the world.
This is where the question always come up, "Aren't you going to split the vote?" To which the obvious answer is: Well let's just rank peoples' choices. This is a voting system we use across the country, from San Francisco to Portland, Maine, and the Twin Cities. It's used very successfully in single-office elections like mayor. It could be used for governor.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump basically share a policy of brute military strength. And both, I think, make a lot of Americans uneasy about our foreign policy going forward, which needs a frank discussion. Likewise on the issue of student debt and the future of our younger generation.
It's time to override this fraud being committed on the American voter of the two-party tyranny of this private corporation of the Commission on Presidential Debates.
The threshold by the Commission on Presidential Debates. In the words of the League of Women Voters, they are a fraud being perpetrated on the American public.
In the words of Frederick Douglas, power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will. We must be that demand. We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Moving to 100 percent renewable energy means we no longer need and can no longer justify wars for oil.
Most progressive in the Democratic Party doesn't cut it, you know. If we still can't have a health care system that provides health care as a human right, if we still cannot, you know, ban fracking and fossil fuels and move like our lives depend on it - you know, we say in the next 15 years we need to phase out fossil fuels.
Under Donald Trump, you know, we've seen the foundation of the Republican Party move into the Democratic Party, so Donald Trump, I think, will have a lot of trouble moving things through Congress.
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I think it\'s arguable about which one [Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump] will wind up being more harmful to us. But what I am very convinced of is that we\'re not going to move forward unless we stand up.
I think it's arguable about which one [Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump] will wind up being more harmful to us. But what I am very convinced of is that we're not going to move forward unless we stand up.
We know that from the studies, like the Gilens and Page study out of Northwestern and Princeton, if you didn't know it from real life. We're not moving forward, we're moving backwards, and the clock is ticking on this, whether you look at climate or the expanding wars.