Quotes Jiddu Krishnamurti - page 5
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You know, in the case of most of us, the mind is noisy, everlastingly chattering to itself, soliloquizing or chattering about something, or trying to talk to itself, to convince itself of something; it is always moving, noisy.
Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem.
Good heredity and environment are necessary. You cannot compare the child of a savage with the child of a civilized person.
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Life in the savage appears different from the life that dwells in you, different in its expression, but it is all one Life. Anyone who has not fulfilled that life must step down the Truth, and when he does that, he is unconsciously betraying the Truth.
There are two kinds of freedom: one is the freedom from something, which is a reaction; and the other is not a reaction, it is "being free.
The guru cannot awaken you; all that he can do is to point out what is.
To know oneself is to study oneself in action, which is relationship.
Here is my secret: I don't mind what happens.

Freedom is always at the beginning and not at the end.
Freedom from something is not freedom.
I have only one purpose: to make people free, to urge them towards freedom, to help them to break away from all limitations, for that alone will give them eternal happiness, will give them the unconditional realization of Self.
Meditation is not the pursuit of pleasure and the search for happiness. Meditation, on the contrary, is a state of mind in which there is no concept or formula, and therefore total freedom. It is only to such a mind that this bliss comes unsought and uninvited. Once it is there, though you may live in the world with all its noise, pleasure and brutality, they will not touch that mind.
If we want to change existing conditions, we must first transform ourselves, which means that we must become aware of our own actions, thoughts and feelings in everyday life.
There is not first understanding and then action. When you understand, that very understanding is action.
Freedom and love go together. Love is not a reaction. If I love you because you love me, that is mere trade, a thing to be bought in the market; it is not love. To love is not to ask anything in return, not even to feel that you are giving something- and it is only such love that can know freedom.
Control exists only when there is action of will, positively or negatively. Will is resistance. When the mind is learning, there is no resistance.
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Whatever discipline you exercise should be based on the goal your child is eventually to reach, namely, freedom and happiness. I would show him towards what he is growing, his ultimate fulfilment, and help him to adapt himself to that. In everything that you do, you should keep the goal in view, and hence your discipline must aim at helping the child to realize that at a certain stage he will be above all discipline.