Quotes Horace - page 2

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He who speaks ill of an absent friend, or fails to take his part if attacked by another, that man is a scoundrel.
He who speaks ill of an absent friend, or fails to take his part if attacked by another, that man is a scoundrel.
The more a man denies himself, the more shall he obtain from God.
The mountains are in labour, the birth will be an absurd little mouse.
There are words and accents by which this grief can be assuaged, and the disease in a great measure removed.
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In the midst of hopes and cares, of apprehensions and of disquietude, regard every day that dawns upon you as if it was to be your last; then super-added hours, to the enjoyment of which you had not looked forward, will prove an acceptable boon.
We set up harsh and unkind rules against ourselves. No one is born without faults. That man is best who has fewest.
What it is forbidden to be put right becomes lighter by acceptance.
Better to accept whatever happens.
Gladly take the gifts of the present hour and abandon serious things!
What does drunkenness not accomplish? It unlocks secrets, confirms our hopes, urges the indolent into battle, lifts the burden from anxious minds, teaches new arts.
What does drunkenness not accomplish? It unlocks secrets, confirms our hopes, urges the indolent into battle, lifts the burden from anxious minds, teaches new arts.
What does drunkenness accomplish? It discloses secrets, it ratifies hopes, and urges even the unarmed to battle.
Nothing is so difficult but that man will accomplish it.
An accomplished man to his fingertips.
The lofty pine is oftenest shaken by the winds; High towers fall with a heavier crash; And the lightning strikes the highest mountain.
Mountains will go into labour, and a silly little mouse will be born.
Wine brings to light the hidden secrets of the soul, gives being to our hopes, bids the coward flight, drives dull care away, and teaches new means for the accomplishment of our wishes.
What will this boaster produce worthy of this mouthing? The mountains are in labor; a ridiculous mouse will be born. [Lat., Quid dignum tanto feret hic promissor hiatu? Parturiunt montes; nascetur ridiculus mus.]
Lightning strikes the tops of the mountains.
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The accumulation of wealth is followed by an increase of care, and by an appetite for more.
The accumulation of wealth is followed by an increase of care, and by an appetite for more.
The ear of the bridled horse is in the mouth.