Quotes Gore Vidal - page 3

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Altruism is a brief phase through which some adolescents must pass. It is rather like acne. Happily, as with acne, only a few are permanently scarred.
Altruism is a brief phase through which some adolescents must pass. It is rather like acne. Happily, as with acne, only a few are permanently scarred.
I wanted to be a politician and a movie star. But I was born a writer. If you're born that, you can't change it. You're going to do it whether you want to or not.~
I'm in Hollywood right now, surrounded by nothing but the sons and grandsons of movie stars.
Today's public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can't read them either.
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A narcissist is someone better looking than you are.
Movie acting, I later realized, reminds me of contract bridge. Each requires the same concentration, intense short-term memory, and obliviousness to everything else until the last trump is called - or whatever it is they do.
If satire is to be effective, the audience must be aware of the thing satirized.
Liberal comes from the Latin liberalis, which means pertaining to a free man. In politics, to be liberal is to want to extend democracy through change and reform. One can see why that word had to be erased from our political lexicon.
When the Presidential virus attacks the system there is a tendency for the patient in his fever to move from the Right or the Left to the Center where the curative votes are.
It is marvelous indeed to watch on television the rings of Saturn close; and to speculate on what we may yet find at galaxy\'s edge. But in the process, we have lost the human element; not to mention the high hope of those quaint days when flight would create one world. Instead of one world, we have star wars, and a future in which dumb dented human toys will drift mindlessly about the cosmos long after our small planet\'s dead.
It is marvelous indeed to watch on television the rings of Saturn close; and to speculate on what we may yet find at galaxy's edge. But in the process, we have lost the human element; not to mention the high hope of those quaint days when flight would create one world. Instead of one world, we have star wars, and a future in which dumb dented human toys will drift mindlessly about the cosmos long after our small planet's dead.
I am savage about what has been done to the United States by its rulers.
Love and hate are so confused in your savage minds and the vibrations of the one are so very like those of the other that I can't always distinguish. You see, we neither love nor hate in my world. We simply have hobbies.
Vitriolic really is personal. I am vitriolic. I am savage.
I’m not sentimental about anything. Life flows by, and you flow with it or you don’t. Move on and move out.
For the average American, freedom of speech is simply the freedom to repeat what everyone else is saying and no more.
Many human beings enjoy sexual relations with their own sex; many don't; many respond to both. This plurality is part of our nature and not worth fretting about.
As societies grow decadent, the language grows decadent, too. Words are used to disguise, not to illuminate, action: you liberate a city by destroying it. Words are to confuse, so that at election time people will solemnly vote against their own interests.
To a born-again atheist like myself, it is clear that each of us has multiple selves, talents, perceptions. But to the Roman Catholic, unity is all.
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One is sorry one could not have taken both branches of the road. But we were not allotted multiple selves.
One is sorry one could not have taken both branches of the road. But we were not allotted multiple selves.
Whenever a friend succeeds, a little something in me dies.