Quotes Frederick Lenz - page 24

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Economics is important because it\'s possible to buy the places that are necessary to live in relative inaccessibility and seclusion, or to move with a bit of style and chicness into the middle of civilization.
Economics is important because it's possible to buy the places that are necessary to live in relative inaccessibility and seclusion, or to move with a bit of style and chicness into the middle of civilization.
There is no future and there is no past, there never has been, there never will be. You just think there is. It's not life that moves; it's awareness.
Most people simply go through life. They feel that they're making choices in their lives that cause destiny to move in certain ways. I would suggest that they have no control of their lives, all their choices are really made for them.
Enter into the plane of mental development. Start to increase your personal power level. Your life will become quite wonderful and very happy. You move beyond delusion.
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There are places where it is easy to see, places of illumination, where one moves into illumined states of attention.
There are certain areas that you can move to on the earth that will empower you and there are certain areas that can drain you.
There are spirits in Hawaii. They're very protective and very good and they watch over these islands. I must confess, they're not entirely happy with what they see, with the way the civilization is moving. But they're patient. They've been here for a long time, and they'll be here long after the human beings have ceased to inhabit the islands.
Shakespeare said: "There's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow." Everything happens perfectly.
There are some beings who reach a point where they no longer want to move through the ten thousand states of mind. There is something else. It is beyond subject and object. That is nirvana.
Start meditating with your eyes open, focusing as a warm-up, then focus on a chakra, then just let go and merge. Don\'t sit there and think or move into sleepy states of awareness, but move into high-powered states of attention.
Start meditating with your eyes open, focusing as a warm-up, then focus on a chakra, then just let go and merge. Don't sit there and think or move into sleepy states of awareness, but move into high-powered states of attention.
Move the kundalini from the solar plexus region into the heart center, which purifies it and connects the two halves of you being. Bring the kundalini down again from the heart center to the navel center.
Focus your attention on the center of your forehead. Visualize that there is a slow but steady swirl of white light there. Visualize that the white light above your forehead is slowly moving in a clockwise direction.
The kundalini is raised or brought down. It can be done in several different ways, and as it moves to the different chakras or energy centers in the subtle physical body, it endows one with various powers.
As the prana current, kundalini and different energies begin to move through you, you will feel yourself moving and rocking. Keep the body still, otherwise that energy will be lost as it expresses itself through the physical.
A time comes when it isn't enough to read about Buddha, we wish to have that happen to ourselves. That's when we move from the exoteric to the esoteric, from religion to mysticism.
Most people who have been enlightened in previous incarnations normally begin to regain their past-life enlightenment around the age of twenty-nine, when their astrological Saturn return takes place.
If you choose to draw from the inner well of free will, then you can make choices that are outside your current karmic patterns.
Free will exists and operates outside causality. It is not hooked to karma. Free will is like a well that is on your property. You can choose to draw water from the well or not.
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Karma exists within causality. It is three-dimensional. Free will exists outside of causality; it is not bound by karma.
Karma exists within causality. It is three-dimensional. Free will exists outside of causality; it is not bound by karma.
Free will exists within each of us. Most people choose not to use their free will, so consequently they rarely alter their karmic patterns.