Quotes Frederick Lenz - page 17

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Spiritual evolution is a movement from the states of mind that reflect life less accurately to the states of mind that reflect life more accurately.
Spiritual evolution is a movement from the states of mind that reflect life less accurately to the states of mind that reflect life more accurately.
Most of the teaching I do is not verbal. It's in every movement of my body. It's in my dance. It's in the way I lift a glass of water. It's in my voice tone. It's in every aspect of my life - because it isn't my life anymore.
Every new movement or group of people who seek to explore awareness is considered a cult. The United States was founded by several cults. They felt that Protestantism had become much too lax, so they came to America and set up a hard line religious cult.
Time is not a movement in space. Space is a movement in time.
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Nothing is distinct and separate. The waves of the ocean arise and have a separate birth, crashing on the shore, but then back into the ocean they go. They never left it. There is no movement in Nirvana.
The anti-pleasure movement in self-discovery is very strong. I have big news for them, if they ever get to enlightenment, which is unlikely the way they're approaching it, they're going to find that enlightenment is very pleasurable.
With the frenzied pace in our own country, with the degenerating school system, with a crime rate that rises 30% a year, and with politicians that seem more interested in posturing than in governing, it has become more difficult, or should I say challenging, to achieve that inner symbiosis with life.
Happiness is something that you can definitely achieve. At first, it will just come for a moment or two. Then it will come for longer periods of time. Eventually you will be happy all of the time.
Let someone else take your place in line, Let someone else be first. Let someone else achieve realization before you.
It\'s very funny. People do not want to achieve liberation or be happy. This is the basic guideline they teach you in Spiritual Training School.
It's very funny. People do not want to achieve liberation or be happy. This is the basic guideline they teach you in Spiritual Training School.
We are cognizant of time, the sense that there is mutability. Time is change. It's the separation of eternity from itself. When eternity is separated from itself, we see it appear in different forms. Time is not a movement in space. Space is a movement in time.
You will always see, if this group is a highly evolved group or on the way up, a movement towards oneness.
Philosophers are all caught up in their philosophies. That's their house of cards. Religious leaders are caught up in their religious movements to the point where they forget about freedom. Everybody's got their drama going.
In the Zen of sports and athletics, we seek to bring discipline and control into our physical movements, but at the same time to eliminate the self that gets in the way of perfect play.
Use the practice of mind and body; in order to make those moves perfectly, you have to pull your mind out of its mundane thoughts and awarenesses and bring it into the body movement.
Have your life properly aligned with dharma. The technicalities of the movement of the kundalini are easy to master. Dharma is much more complex.
This is only a small part of the totality. From this island earth we see only a fragment of creation and its knowledge.
In the West, we think of sports and athletics as individual achievement, the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat; it all revolves around the ego. This has nothing to do with the Zen of sports and athletics.
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People don\'t really want to know the truth. The truth is that you are all dead in the future, everything that you do has no point, and all of the achievements of the human race are meaningless.
People don't really want to know the truth. The truth is that you are all dead in the future, everything that you do has no point, and all of the achievements of the human race are meaningless.
You will notice the phenomena of meditation. You may see dazzling lights, feel energy coursing through different parts of your body, feel as if you are floating, hear sounds, or smell fragrances.