Quotes Donald Trump - page 7
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We are fighting hard against radical Islamic terrorism, and we will prevail. We cannot accept those who reject our values and who use hatred to justify violence against the innocent.
Elijah Cummings said, "you'll be the greatest president in the history of, but you know what, I'll take that also, but that you could be". But he said, "will be the greatest president but I would also accept the other". In other words, if you do your job, but I accept that. Then I watched him interviewed and it was like he never even was here. It's incredible. I watched him interviewed a week later and it's like he was never in my office.
No longer will we tolerate one job killing delay after another. No longer will we accept a broken system that benefits consultants and lobbyists at the expense of hardworking Americans.
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WikiLeaks released new Clinton campaign e-mails revealing how friendly Hillary [Clinton] was with the attorney general, Loretta Lynch.This was only months prior to Lynch's investigation of Hillary's illegal secret e-mail server that gave foreign governments access to our confidential information.
When a secretary of state rakes in millions and millions of dollars trading access and favors to special interests and foreign powers, I know the time for action has come.
Marco Rubio has a disaster on his finances. He has a disaster on his credit cards. When you check his credit cards, take a look at what he`s done with the Republican Party when he had access, what he had to put back in, and whether or not something should have happened, you`ll understand it.
It is now abundantly clear that the Clintons set up a business to profit from public office. They sold access and specific actions by and really for I guess the making of large amounts of money.
Here's what I can assure you, we are going to have a better plan, much better health care, much better service treatment, a plan where you can have access to the doctor that you want and the plan that you want.

We've also taken steps to begin construction of the keystone pipeline and the Dakota access pipelines, thousands and thousands of jobs, and put new buy American measures in place to require American steel for American pipelines. In other words, they build a pipeline in this country and we use the powers of government to make that pipeline happen, we want them to use American steel, and they're willing to do that, but nobody ever asked before I came along.
We have authorized the construction, one day, of the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines. And issued a new rule.American steel. If they want a pipeline in the United States, they're going to use pipe that's made in the United States.
General Motors committed likewise to invest billions of dollars in its American manufacturing operation, keeping many jobs here that were going to leave. And if I didn't get elected, believe me, they would have left, and these jobs and these things that I am announcing would never have come here.
One thing we're going to do is talk just about that: Obamacare, jobs. Our jobs are being taken away from us. Companies, as we speak, are signing documents with Mexico and other places to move. Our jobs be being... Look at Ford two weeks ago. Ford Motor. They're gonna make all of their smaller cars in Mexico. They're gonna move everything outta here. And so many... I mean, Carrier air-conditioners. I talk about all these companies. There are hundreds of companies. They're moving out to Mexico and other countries.
Under Islamic precepts, men cannot enter the home of a woman who they don`t know, and so they need the women in this effort to enter homes where they`re - where they`re looking for possible women terrorists, women accomplices of Boko Haram, and trying to either disarm them or get them out of that movement.
Plants and factories are already starting to move back into the United States, and big league Ford, General Motors, so many of them.
In the end, you're measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish.
Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people under one God saluting one American flag.
When employees and employers, even coworkers, have a commitment to one another, everyone benefits. I have people who have been in business with me for decades. I reward their loyalty to the organization and to me. I know that they'll always be dedicated to what we're trying to accomplish.
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We will accomplish all of the steps .And, when we do, peace and law and justice and prosperity will prevail. Crime will go down. Border crossings will plummet. Gangs will disappear.