Quotes Donald Trump - page 12
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Nobody is going to move. Here is the story folks.
Crooked Hillary. Look, can you imagine another four years of the Clintons? Seriously. It's time to move on.
That's not free market when companies go out and move and sell back into America. No, that's the dumb market, O.K.? That's the dumb market.
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When a company wants to move to Mexico or another company - or another country and they want to build a nice, beautiful factory and they want to sell their product through our border, no tax, and the people that all got fired, so we end up with unemployment and debt, and they end up with jobs and factories and all of the other things, not going to happen that way. And the way you stop it is by imposing a tax.
In America, our jobs are being taken away from us. Companies, as we speak, are signing documents with Mexico and other places to move.
Look at Mexico. Many, many factories, many plants. Nabisco's now moving to Mexico, their big Chicago plant. You look at Ford is building one of their biggest factories in Mexico, one of their biggest assembly plants in Mexico. So Mexico is not only beating us at the border, they are also beating us at trade.
Look, Iraq and Iran would fight for years and years and years, it went on forever. They were almost identical strengths, and the line would never move, right? Then they would go home and rest for ten years and then they would start fighting and they'd rest, that was it. We knocked out one of those two pegs, and so now Iran is taking over.
I never talk about military moves. I always criticized President [Barack] Obama with having an announcement that they're going into Mosul. They give the name, the date the time. I don't believe in that.

Intel announced it will move ahead with a new plant in Arizona that probably was never going to move ahead with, and that will result in at least so - in at least 10,000 American jobs.
When I see the crumbling roads and bridges, or the dilapidated airports, or the factories moving overseas to Mexico, or to other countries, I know these problems can all be fixed, but not by Hillary Clinton - only by me.
Melania [Trump] goes back and forth, after Barron finishes school, it's hard to take a child out of school with a few months left, she and Barron will be moving over to the White House.
I actually thought I had a meeting with congressman [Elijah] Cummings and he was all excited. Then he said, I can't move, it might be bad for me politically. I was all set.
What really is happening, is the word is now out, that when you want to move your plant to Mexico or some other place, and you want to fire all of your workers from Michigan and Ohio and all these places that I won, for good reason, it's not going to happen that way anymore.
I am going to bring back our jobs to Ohio and Pennsylvania and New York and Michigan and all of America. And I am not going to let companies move to other countries, firing their employees along the way without consequence. Not going to happen anymore.
It [Doral] is 800 acres in the middle of Miami. If you look at the ballroom, that was brand-new ballroom that didn`t exist. And it`s, you know, one of the great places on earth. We had a construction crew here of 1,600 people. We rebuilt the whole place in about 14 months. We did it under budget, although I did increase the scope of the work, because we decided to use the finest marbles.
A wonderful man came to my office a week ago. A very highly respected man and he sat down and he said, "You know it's been very unfair. From the day you have been president you've been under this little veil of Russia, Russia, Russia." And with all of this being said, I want to say this, I think it would be great if we got along with Russia. I don't think there's anything wrong with - they are a power, they're a nuclear power. I think we could have a good relationship. I think that North Korean situation would be easier settled.
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