Quotes Christopher Paolini - page 2

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From the inheritance series book one Eragon. Broom The sands of time cannot be stopped years pass whether we will them or not, but we can remember.......what has been lost may yet live on in memories, that which you will hear is imperfect and fragmented yet treasure it for without you it does not exist.
From the inheritance series book one Eragon. Broom The sands of time cannot be stopped years pass whether we will them or not, but we can remember.......what has been lost may yet live on in memories, that which you will hear is imperfect and fragmented yet treasure it for without you it does not exist.
The whole of the world could be deduced from the smallest grain of sand, if one studied it closely enough.
A hatchling, that is what you are. A hatchling struggling into the world. I may be younger than you in years, but I am ancient in my thoughts. Do not worry about these things. Find peace in where and what you are. People often know what must be done. All you need to do is show them the way — that is wisdom.
If anything happens, I'm going to pin you to my back and never let you off." I love you too." - Saphira and Eragon
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After all, how can a mere dragon expect to tell a man like yourself what to do? In fact, everyone should stand in awe of your brilliance of finding the only dead end. - Saphira
No hunter of the sky should end his days as prey. Better to die on the wing than pinned to the ground. [Saphira]
That s the problem I ve been choosing male names. You are a she! [To Saphira, while trying to choose her name.]
What is the worth of anything we do? The worth is in the act. Your worth halts when you surrender the will to change and experience life
Without fear there cannot be courage.
I\'m healthy as an ox. And you?\
I'm healthy as an ox. And you?" "To compare myself with a bovine would be both ridiculous and insulting, but I'm fit as ever, if that is what you are asking.
do not worry about these things. find peace in where and what you are ~saphira to eragon page 429
We are about to change history, said Saphira. We’re throwing ourselves off a cliff without knowing how deep the water below is. Ah, but what a glorious flight! (Eragon to Saphira)
Find peace in where and what you are.
The debate raged on for so long, at last Saphira had interrupted with a roar that shook the walls of the command tent. Then she said, I am sore and tired, and Eragon is doing a poor job of explaining himself. We have better things to do than stand around yammering like jackdaws, no? ... Good now listen to me. It was reflected Eragon, hard to argue with a dragon.
You shouldn't let him hit you so much" observed saphira "Yes I realize that'" he growled. "Do you want me to knock him over for you?" "No...not today.
With her jaws and talons, Saphira tore through an Urgal.
Nothing out of the ordinary ever occurs to me when I'm by myself. But you attract duels, ambushes, immortal enemies, obscure creatures such as the Ra'zac, long-lost family members, and mysterious acts of magic as if they were were starving weasels and you were a rabbit that wandered into their den.
It's overwhelming. I feel as if I am living in an illusion a dream where all things are possible. Amazing things do happen I know but always to someone else always in some far off place and time.
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How noble. Oh we would fell many...-you with magic and blade, whilst my weapons would be tooth and claw-but it would be futile in the end. They are too numerous.... We cannot defeat them, only be defeated. - Saphira
How noble. Oh we would fell many...-you with magic and blade, whilst my weapons would be tooth and claw-but it would be futile in the end. They are too numerous.... We cannot defeat them, only be defeated. - Saphira
Only if you are afraid of looking foolish, and I would have looked far more foolish if I persisted with an erroneous belief.' Eragon said. Why, little one, you just said something wise!'Saphira teased.