Quotes Bill Vaughan - page 2

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I got shot in the head by my own guys in my foxhole. And they didn\'t even give me an honorable death.
I got shot in the head by my own guys in my foxhole. And they didn't even give me an honorable death.
If CASA?s board, which includes such scientific experts as actress Jamie Lee Curtis, wants to tell the world that drinking is bad for you, that?s their prerogative? But there?s no excuse for political activism masquerading as science.
KFC is not black owned, but it sure knows to market heavily to African Americans - obviously hoping we won-t care about what they do the underdog, or in this case, the underchicken - So, if KFC wants to take our money and use it to pay for sloppy practices that hurt animals?I say we send them a message that this is not going to happen. I-m calling on people to boycott KFC until they adopt animal welfare systems recommended by PETA and until they stop the worst abuses of the birds they raise for their restaurants.
People learn something every day, and a lot of times it's that what they learned the day before was wrong.
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Benefits are acceptable, while the receiver thinks he may return them; but once exceeding that, hatred is given instead of thanks.
Flattery, if judiciously administered, is always acceptable, however much we may despise the flatterer.
Because democratic institutions do not renew themselves as effortlessly as flowering trees, they demand the ceaseless tinkering of people who possess both the courage and the honesty to admit their mistakes and accept responsibility for even the most inglorious acts.
The wise man realistically accepts as part of life and builds a philosophy to meet them and make the most of them. He lives on the principle of nothing attempted, nothing gained and is resolved that if he fails he is going to fail while trying to succeed.
It's a real triumph taking a painting out from a pit-hole with a loose and open approach. Some aspects in its favour are those strange accidents that can produce amazing results.
The more human beings proceed by plan the more effectively they may be hit by accident
The more human beings proceed by plan the more effectively they may be hit by accident
If you're involved in an accident and you're at fault $500,000 may not be enough. Do you really want to lose your house because you failed to spend an extra couple of hundred bucks?
It was manifest to me that there was something in the Roman Catholic religion which made the priests very dear to the people; for I doubt whether in any village in England, had such an accident happened to the rector, all the people would have roused themselves at midnight to wreak their vengeance on the assailant.
You'll accidentally find in barrows of books wrought-iron lines of long-buried poems, handle them with the care that respects ancient but terrible weapons.. .
When it [truth] emerges it often bears out the saying that 'truth is stranger than fiction.' A novelist has to appear plausible, and would hesitate to make use of such astounding contradictions as occur in history through some extraordinary accident or twist of psychology .
Every day that goes by shortens our opportunity of booking it successfully. Whether it's members pulling their condos for personal use, whether it's a convention booking our conference center, whether it's golf packages being booked .. not hearing makes it that much harder to accommodate them.
The SPR is intended to provide relief at times when working families are struggling to make ends meet, and to counter the price shocks that accompany severe supply disruptions. Now is undoubtedly such a time.
An indefinable something is to be done, in a way nobody knows how, at a time nobody knows when, that will accomplish nobody knows what.
God, who prepares His work through ages, accomplishes it when the hour is come, with the feeblest instruments.
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What is my proudest accomplishment? I went through some pretty difficult times, and I kept my sanity.
What is my proudest accomplishment? I went through some pretty difficult times, and I kept my sanity.
Goal achievement is hero's work.