Quotes Bill Vaughan

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Since I am a man, my heart is three or four times less sensitive, because I have three or four times as much power of reason and experience of the world -- a thing which you women call hard-heartedness. As a man, I can take refuge in having mistresses. The more of them I have, and the greater the scandal, the more I acquire reputation and brilliance in society.
Since I am a man, my heart is three or four times less sensitive, because I have three or four times as much power of reason and experience of the world -- a thing which you women call hard-heartedness. As a man, I can take refuge in having mistresses. The more of them I have, and the greater the scandal, the more I acquire reputation and brilliance in society.
The magnificence of mountains, the serenity of nature-nothing is safe from the idiot marks of man's passing.
Then years back, when I moved to California, I happened to see a book about fashions of 19th-century Victorian England, only four pages of which was devoted to the dress of the working class.
A real patriot is the fellow who gets a parking ticket and rejoices that the system works.
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Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them.
The cold war was an aberration. Note how quickly the Europeans turned on America once 400 hostile divisions were no longer on their borders.
The only difference between your abilities and others is the ability to put yourself in their shoes and actually try.
The happiest and most contented people are those who each day perform to make the best of their abilities.
As surely as you are a living man, so surely did that spectral anatomy visit my room again last night, grin in my face, and walk away with my trousers: nor was I able to spring from my bed, or break the chain which seemed to bind me to my pillow.
Journalism, like history, has no therapeutic value; it is better able to diagnose than to cure, and it provides society with a primitive means of psychoanalysis that allows the patient to judge the distance between fantasy and reality.
Journalism, like history, has no therapeutic value; it is better able to diagnose than to cure, and it provides society with a primitive means of psychoanalysis that allows the patient to judge the distance between fantasy and reality.
Once your kid reaches middle school, parents are really supposed to fade out of the social picture. Kids are supposed to make their own plans, keep up with sophisticatedly crude discussions, and be able to go out on their own without supervision.
We tried to be as ready and solid as we could be, ... Filmmaking is always some form of chaos, and to what extent you're able to harness the chaos.
If you overpower your enemy, then pardon him by way of thankfulness to Allah, for being able to subdue him.
Keep right on to the end of the road, Keep right on to the end. Tho'the way be long let your heart be strong, Keep right on round the bend. Tho' you're tired and weary Still journey on, till you come to your happy abode, Where all you love you've been dreaming of Will be there, at the end of the road.
Above all, we must abolish hope in the heart of man. A calm despair, without angry convulsions, without reproaches to Heaven, is the essence of wisdom.
The healthy life is hardly one marked by an absence of crises. In fact, an individual's psychological health is distinguished by how early he or she can meet crisis.
The test of an abstract picture, for me, is not my first reaction to it, but how long I can stand it hanging on the wall of a room where I am living.
WHATEVER Life may really be, it is to us an abstraction: for the word is a generalised term to signify that which is common to all animals and plants, and which is not directly operative in the inorganic world.
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Scores are absurdly important, One hundred points could easily make or break a kid.
Scores are absurdly important, One hundred points could easily make or break a kid.
Any manwhose love of horses isstronger thanhis fear of being an absurdity is all right with me.