Quotes Barbra Streisand - page 2

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It always gave me the creeps when I saw performers who desperately wanted the audience to like them. That\'s not what I\'m about.
It always gave me the creeps when I saw performers who desperately wanted the audience to like them. That's not what I'm about.
Everybody's frightened a bit. But how many of us just go through the fear and do it anyway?
I can say, 'I am terribly frightened and fear is terrible and awful and it makes me uncomfortable, so I won't do that because it makes me uncomfortable.' Or I could say, 'Get used to being uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable doing something that's risky. But so what? Do you want to stagnate and just be comfortable?'
I find George Bush and Dick Cheney frightening, Donald Rumsfeld and John Ashcroft frightening.
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I hate tooting my own horn, but after Steven Spielberg saw Yentl, he said: "I wish I could tell you how to fix your picture, but I can't. It's the best film I've seen since Citizen Kane".