Quotes Arnold Schwarzenegger - page 3

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Onstage I\'m always different than offstage. I can be very friendly offstage, but onstage I will pull one trick after another on my competition to wipe him out, you know-because it\'s my living and I have to win. Franco is my best friend, but I will do as much as I can to make him look bad and make me look good.
Onstage I'm always different than offstage. I can be very friendly offstage, but onstage I will pull one trick after another on my competition to wipe him out, you know-because it's my living and I have to win. Franco is my best friend, but I will do as much as I can to make him look bad and make me look good.
My instinct was to win, eliminate anyone who is in competition, destroy my enemy and move on without any kind of hesitation at all.
Stay hungry, stay healthy, be a gentleman, believe strongly in yourself and go beyond limitations.
Good things don't happen by coincidence. Every dream carries with it certain risks, especially the risk of failure. But I am not stopped by risks. Supposed a great person takes the risk and fails. Then the person must try again. You cannot fail forever. If you try ten times, you have a better chance of making it on the eleventh try than if you didn't try at all.
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I'll be back always sounded a little girly to me.
You can't tell a kid that it's time to exercise; that's a turn-off...you have to say 'Let's go to the park and have some fun.' Then you get them to do some running, play on the swings, practice on the balance beam, basically get a full workout disguised as play.
It's not what you get out of life that counts. Break your mirrors! In our society that is so self-absorbed, begin to look less at yourself and more at each other. you'll get more satisfaction from having improved your neighborhood, your town, your state, your country, and your fellow human beings than you'll ever get from your muscles, your figure, your automobile, your house, or your credit rating.
You'll get more from being a peacemaker than a warrior.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.
You must see it. You must believe it. And then you must never stop working to make it happen.
You must see it. You must believe it. And then you must never stop working to make it happen.
I cannot - nor will not - be ordinary. I have to keep training and seeking and growing. I have to stay hungry. It is my will and so has become my nature.
I was delighted to be able to do the movie ["Terminator: Genisys"] without getting exhausted or feeling old or tired or anything like this. I felt I was in great shape and I felt really young.
Look, I'm an immigrant, so I know what it is like to dream about coming to America and then to get here and be able to make your dreams a reality, ... Of course, there are millions of people who want to come here. Let's help them, let's find a legal way t
When your vision is powerful enough, everything else falls into place: how you live your life, your workouts, what friends you choose to hang out with, how you eat, what you do for fun. Vision is purpose, and when your purpose is clear, so are your life choices. Vision creates faith and faith creates willpower. With faith, there is no anxiety, no doubt - just absolute confidence.
Vision creates faith and faith creates willpower. With faith there is no anxiety and no doubt - just absolute confidence in yourself.
I take the academic education as seriously as the physical education. That's why I tell parents that the schools can't do it all themselves. The parents can't come home from work and turn on the TV. That's not being a good parent.
It doesn't matter what the income level of your family is, or if English is the first or second language. It makes no difference. The bottom line is that every child can be an academic champion, an academic champion and a superstar in academics.
A girl can talk about my nose, my teeth or my accent - anything that gets a conversation going is fine with me. It is weird, though, the way women respond to my body. Maybe 50 percent respond positively right away, while another 25 or 30 percent need a while to adjust to my size and to realize that ordinarily my muscles are soft, just like anyone's, only bigger.
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I was also going to give a graduation speech in Arizona this weekend. But with my accent, I was afraid they would try to deport me.
I was also going to give a graduation speech in Arizona this weekend. But with my accent, I was afraid they would try to deport me.
I was born in Europe... and I've traveled all over the world. I can tell you that there is no place, no country, that is more compassionate, more generous, more accepting, and more welcoming than the United States of America.