President Clinton was able to ...

President Clinton was able to achieve budget surpluses despite a divided government.
President Clinton was able to achieve budget surpluses despite a divided government.
 Jim Cooper

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Being self-made is a state of mind, and once you put that mentality to work, your success will come.
 Dave East
A lot of people change for good. Some people just fall off. Just trying to progress in anything, no matter what you're doing, I feel like any progression you make... some people aren't gonna be around you that were around you.
 Dave East
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
You have to have the service mentality in the sense that you subjugate your own ego, and you subjugate a large part of your own life to really helping other people, being successful on their behalf.
 Herb Kelleher
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

Quotes from the same author

Under the AHP approach, the average small business might be able to offer their employees one or two insurance plans, and that employee of the small business would have no idea whether their doctor was going to be a apart of one of those plans.
 Jim Cooper
While tax refunds amount to substantial income for many Americans, current IRS rules do not allow taxpayers to directly deposit their refund into more than one account.
 Jim Cooper
It's not just that families can't buy a home or start a business without some savings tucked away.
 Jim Cooper
Bush may be a strong leader in the war on terrorism, but on budget deficits he is missing-in-action.
 Jim Cooper