Prayer is not a way of making ...

Prayer is not a way of making use of God; prayer is a way of offering ourselves to God in order that He should be able to make use of us.
 William Barclay

Quotes from the same author

Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.
 William Barclay
We may not understand how the spirit works; but the effect of the spirit on the lives of men is there for all to see; and the only unanswerable argument for Christianity is a Christian life. No man can disregard a religion and a faith and a power which is able to make bad men good. . .
 William Barclay
God tested Abraham. Temptation is not meant to make us fail; it is meant to confront us with a situation out of which we emerge stronger than we were. Temptation is not the penalty of manhood; it is the glory of manhood.
 William Barclay
...for Paul faith is always faith in a person. Faith is not the intellectual acceptance of a body of doctrine; faith is faith in a person.
 William Barclay
There is only one way to bring peace to the heart, joy to the mind, and beauty to the life; it is to accept and do the will of God.
 William Barclay