Empowering Power Quotes to Help You Achieve Success - page 41

Ability is the result of mental and physical toughness, resourcefulness, and powerful concentration.
Ability is the result of mental and physical toughness, resourcefulness, and powerful concentration.
 Howard A. Tullman
Real strength is being able to carry on when times are hard.
 Miep Gies
Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed populace.
The authority of the Supreme Court must not be permitted to control the Congress or the Executive when acting in their legislative capacities, but to have only such influence as the force of their reasoning may deserve.
 Andrew Jackson
The influence is really all over the place. Detroit, definitely because of Motown and Stooges. When you come from a place like Detroit, you're really proud of what you have there.
 Alex Winston
Unacceptable Levels is Powerful.  It tells the story of toxic chemicals in just about every aspect of our lives, and the egregious lack of regulation.  Our ability to protect our families is at stake.
 Joan Blades
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Absence of thought is indeed a powerful factor in human affairs, statistically speaking the most powerful, not just in the conduct of the many but in the conduct of all.
To make the cunning artless, tame the rude, subdue the haughty, shake the undaunted soul; yea, put a bridle in the lion's mouth, and lead him forth as a domestic cur,--these are the triumphs of all-powerful beauty.
 Joanna Baillie
L\'amor che move il sole e l\'altre stelle. \
L'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle. "It means that love is the most powerful force in the world. That love can do anything.
He will always see the most beauty whose affections are the warmest and most exercised, whose imagination is the most powerful, and who has most accustomed himself to attend to the objects by which he is surrounded.
 Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey
Our real problem, then, is not our strength today; it is rather the vital necessity of action today to ensure our strength tomorrow.
Practice all movements slow and fast, soft and hard; the effectiveness of Jeet Kune-Do depends on split-second timing and reflexive action, which can be achieved only through repetitious practice.
The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.
Everything is given by God. All talent, creativity, ability, insight, and strength comes from him. In our own strength we can do nothing.
 Marvin J. Ashton
When I accomplish a challenging goal it is one of the most powerful and wonderful feelings in the world.
 Robert Cheeke
The 2 master skills of life are: The Science of Achievement and The Art of Fulfillment.
The endless newsreel clips of nuclear explosions that we saw on TV in the 1960s (were) a powerful incitement to the psychotic imagination, sanctioning *everything*.
 J. G. Ballard
Moving on has allowed me to know who I am and to be present in all that I do. I take this forward in my work and in my personal relationships. It is a powerful program and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to move on with their life.
Moving on has allowed me to know who I am and to be present in all that I do. I take this forward in my work and in my personal relationships. It is a powerful program and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to move on with their life.
 Lou Reed
Money buys access; access buys influence.
 Elizabeth Drew