Empowering Power Quotes to Help You Achieve Success - page 26

Hair on a man\'s chest is thought to denote strength. The gorilla is the most powerful of bipeds and has hair on every place on his body except for his chest.
Hair on a man's chest is thought to denote strength. The gorilla is the most powerful of bipeds and has hair on every place on his body except for his chest.
I collaborate with people who know I'm a control freak.
 Kevin Biegel
You can't build a strong corporation with a lot of committees and a board that has to be consulted every turn. You have to be able to make decisions on your own.
 Rupert Murdoch
A good warrior, a seventh or eighth degree black-belt, will tell you there is no victory. It doesn't make you more powerful to win. It's just what you do. It's an expression of your personal power level.
Learning is never cumulative, it is a movement of knowing which has no beginning and no end.
true influence over another comes not from a moments eloquence nor from any happily chosen word, but from the accumulation of a lifetime's thoughts stored up in the eyes...the secret smile in the eyes of a friend
 Thornton Wilder
Everything counts for gain when we are cosmically awake. Nothing counts, unless we are awake. No enjoyments last, no successes satisfy, no gains have meaning unless accomplished in a state of wakefulness.
When thought and action are combined, the results are powerful-among the most powerful forces on earth. The combination of successful communication-the sharing of thoughts-and physical action can, literally, move mountains.
 Peter McWilliams
You aren't staying in heaven because you still need to purify the mind. Your faith is powerful, but it is invested in what you believe you are, and most of what you believe about yourself is a lie.
I am not satisfied that Darwin proved his point or that his influence in scientific and public thinking has been beneficial ... the success of Darwinism was accomplished by a decline in scientific integrity.
I am not satisfied that Darwin proved his point or that his influence in scientific and public thinking has been beneficial ... the success of Darwinism was accomplished by a decline in scientific integrity.
 W. R. Thompson
Goal-setting is powerful because it provides focus. It shapes our dreams. It gives us the ability to hone in on the exact actions we need to perform to achieve everything we desire in life.
Coming age is the age of knowledge. However rich, poor or powerful a country be, if they want to move ahead, only knowledge can lead them to that path.
You have a very powerful mind that can make anything happen as long as you keep yourself centered.
Most minds are the slaves of external circumstances, and conform to any hand that undertakes to mould them.
In democracy, people's verdict is always final and we all have to accept it with humility.
Stop waiting for others to tell you what you can do. Start putting faith into your own strengths and talents. Instead of questioning whether you can reach your goals, move forward with conviction and confidence.
 Jane Powell
Materialist philosophies that treat human beings as machines or animals possess the high ground in our culture - academia, the most powerful media and many of our courts.
 Marvin Olasky
If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War.
Your brand image is primarily an emotional construct. Emotion is probably always more powerful in swaying people than reason, but people like to be able to rationalize their choices.
Your brand image is primarily an emotional construct. Emotion is probably always more powerful in swaying people than reason, but people like to be able to rationalize their choices.
 Drayton Bird
Global conditions are far too complex to be able to imagine that they could ever be really controlled by one power.
 Ulrich Beck