Best Personality Quotes for Self-Improvement - page 9

Where the loser saw barriers, the winner saw hurdles.
Where the loser saw barriers, the winner saw hurdles.
I got interested in the emotions after studying patients who had lost the ability to emote and feel under certain circumstances. Many of those patients also had major impairments in their ability to make decisions.
 Antonio Damasio
I get a lot of satisfaction from crafting and shaping mixes. I love finding the right balance, the right dynamic. It's an emotional interaction with the music.
 Chris McCormack
The last of human freedoms - the ability to chose one's attitude especially an attitude of gratitude in a given set of circumstances especially in difficult circumstances.
 Viktor E. Frankl
Concentration, Full Confidence, Pure Will. With these 3, what cannot be accomplished?
My mum is Croatian, and obviously she's female and she's very emotional, very hot-blooded, very touchy-feely, whereas I think my dad's quite British.
 Tamara Ecclestone
Events will take their course, it is no good of being angry at them; he is happiest who wisely turns them to the best account.
When I stood up there as a pinch hitter, I honestly believed I was the best hitter in the game. That's the only attitude to have.
 Manny Mota
Emotions aren't doable. Actions are doable, and if you do them correctly, they prompt the feelings.
 Stella Adler
Life is a field of unlimited possibilities.
Life is a field of unlimited possibilities.
Emotional access to the truth is the indispensable precondition of healing.
 Alice Miller
I've always assumed it to be an absolute requirement for being a writer: to find all emotions and the sources of all behaviors somewhere within yourself.
 Luc Sante
If you're going to make an emotional connection with somebody, whether it's in the story or in the world, there's a certain amount of self-acceptance that is required.
Emotional intelligence, more than any other factor, more than I.Q. or expertise, accounts for 85% to 90% of success at work... I.Q. is a threshold competence. You need it, but it doesn't make you a star. Emotional intelligence can.
 Warren G. Bennis
Like those great sphinxes lounging through eternity in noble attitudes upon the desert sand, they gaze incuriously at nothing, calm and wise.
 Charles Baudelaire
Harmonizing opposites by going back to their source is the distinctive quality of the Zen attitude, the Middle Way: embracing contradictions, making a synthesis of them, achieving balance.
 Taisen Deshimaru
People are dream killers--you've got to be careful who you give emotional access to.
 Tyrese Gibson
I've scammed so many people throughout my whole life who never learned my true identity until I started acting.
 Charlie Bewley
The moment you accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life, is the moment you gain the power to change ANYTHING in your life.
The moment you accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life, is the moment you gain the power to change ANYTHING in your life.
 Hal Elrod
All personal achievement starts in the mind of the individual. Your personal achievement starts in your mind. The first step is to know exactly what your problem, goal or desire is.
 W. Clement Stone