Best Personality Quotes for Self-Improvement - page 30

Life is made of our attitudes. And there are certain things that the gods oblige us to live through. Their reason for this does not matter, and there is no action we can take to make them pass us by.
Life is made of our attitudes. And there are certain things that the gods oblige us to live through. Their reason for this does not matter, and there is no action we can take to make them pass us by.
Full, saturated colours have an emotional significance I want to avoid.
 Lucian Freud
I think [music and acting], they are connected, all that stuff. It's your emotional self, is pretty much how you do it, I think, from whatever place you do it, whether you're acting or you're singing.
The most significant change in a person's life is a change of attitude. Right attitudes produce right actions.
 William J. Johnston
Emotion without action is irrelevant.
 Jody Williams
Take a friendly attitude toward your thoughts.
People who believe in themselves can accomplish almost anything... all begins with attitude.
 Georges St-Pierre
The thing that I enjoy about being an actor and the thing that I enjoy about the arts in general is the ability to make the audience feel an emotion that they weren't intending to feel before they went in.
 Kal Penn
All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.
Bondage is - subjection to external influences and internal negative thoughts and attitudes.
Bondage is - subjection to external influences and internal negative thoughts and attitudes.
 W. Clement Stone
Without this heart attitude it is exceedingly difficult for us to accept the circumcision of the flesh. Every affection, desire, thought, knowledge, intent, worship, and work of the flesh must go to the cross.
 Watchman Nee
You have to release your emotion in order to keep your sanity.
 Yoko Ono
Serial murders are just the worst stories. It can take an emotional toll on you.
 Bill James
Emotional abuse is any type of abuse that is not physical in nature. It can include everything from verbal abuse to the silent treatment, domination to subtle manipulation.
 Beverly Engel
A man long accustomed to admire his wife in general, seldom pauses to admire her in a particular gown or attitude, unless his attention is directed to her by the appreciative gaze of another man.
 Willa Cather
When someone we love dies, we get so busy mourning what died that we ignore what didn't.
 Ram Dass
In our cultural history, all emotions have been more culturally acceptable to women.
 Ariel Gore
The attitude of unconditional self-acceptance is probably the most important variable in their long-term recovery.
 Albert Ellis
Freedom is what you do with what\'s been done to you.
Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you.
Accept the present moment without judgement.