Best Personality Quotes for Self-Improvement - page 25

Sarcasm is a Manchester trait.
Sarcasm is a Manchester trait.
 Peter Hook
There are more temples across the earth than there have ever been. More people in all the world have felt the Spirit of Elijah move them to record the identities and facts of their ancestors' lives.
 Henry B. Eyring
It is in the movements of emotional crisis that human beings reveal themselves most accurately.
Acting really suited me because I could connect as an actor to emotion.
 Mia Wasikowska
You can laugh at Christianity; you can mock and ridicule it. But it works. It changes lives. If you trust Christ, start watching your attitudes and actions, because Jesus Christ is in the business of changing lives.
 Josh McDowell
And there I was, pretty as heck, brown eyes, a few freckles, fashion challenged, and a bad attitude. Max II.
Acting probably saved my life. It gave me a home and a safe place to let out all of my emotions and have it be ok.
 Vanessa Marcil
I can imagine for some bands the ability to make your sound and make your identity known could be challenging.
 Lizzy Plapinger
There are various kinds of savagery: emotional, spiritual, economic, and cultural savagery.
 Don Winslow
We should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if he were one day to be our friend.
We should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if he were one day to be our friend.
 John Henry Newman
Research shows that for jobs of all kinds, emotional intelligence is twice as important an ingredient of outstanding performance as cognitive ability and technical skill combined.
 Daniel Goleman
We have lost contact with man's natural desire for the exalted, for a concern with our relation to absolute emotions.
 Barnett Newman
That morning was when I first began to reappraise the 'white man.' It was when I first began to perceive that 'white man,' as commonly used, means complexion only secondarily; primarily it described attitudes and actions.
The emotional findings, then, suggest that to gain the most benefit from writing about life’s traumas, acknowledge the negative but celebrate the positive.
 James W. Pennebaker
My job is usually to express emotion as freely as possible.
Our goal is not to ignore the problems of life, but to put ourselves in better mental and emotional states where we can not only come up with solutions, but act upon them.
Knowledge can only be got in one way, the way of experience; there is no other way to know.
We might not be able to change our circumstances, but we CAN change our attitude.
 Beth Moore
One thing a goal must do is fill us with positive emotion when we think about it. The more intensely we feel about a goal the more progressively we’ll move toward it.
One thing a goal must do is fill us with positive emotion when we think about it. The more intensely we feel about a goal the more progressively we’ll move toward it.
 Earl Nightingale
I guess every actor has certain emotions they can access easier than others.
 William Mapother