Best Personality Quotes for Self-Improvement - page 18

The modern Australia, the Australia of the 21st Century, Malcolm Turnbull\'s Australia has nothing to do with the kind of protectionist and xenophobic attitudes that Pauline Hanson represents.
The modern Australia, the Australia of the 21st Century, Malcolm Turnbull's Australia has nothing to do with the kind of protectionist and xenophobic attitudes that Pauline Hanson represents.
 George Brandis
Your aspirations are your possibilities.
People use location as a language in films, and Quentin uses action as a language in his films. There's really not a lot of violence. It's more of an emotional beat than it is a physical beat
 Lucy Liu
In this world, emotion has become suspect - the accepted style is smooth, antiseptic and passionless.
I think a domestic situation can change you and your attitudes. I suppose if you did get a bit content, then you might not write savage lyrics.
 Paul McCartney
I can see no justification whatever for the attitude which refuses on purely a priori grounds to accept action at a distance ... Such an attitude bespeaks an unimaginativeness, a mental obtuseness and obstinacy.
 Percy Williams Bridgman
I have painted portraits that to me are almost photographic. I remember hesitating to show the paintings, they looked so real to me. But they have passed into the world as abstractions - no one seeing what they are.
 Georgia O'Keeffe
Write straight into the emotional center of things. Write toward vulnerability. Don't worry about appearing sentimental. Worry about being unavailable; worry about being absent or fraudulent.
My mother has always been my emotional barometer and my guidance. I was lucky enough to get to have one woman who truly helped me through everything.
 Emma Stone
It is in some respect greater love in Jesus to sanctify than to justify, for He maketh us most like Himself, in His own essential portraiture and image in sanctifying us.
It is in some respect greater love in Jesus to sanctify than to justify, for He maketh us most like Himself, in His own essential portraiture and image in sanctifying us.
 Samuel Rutherford
Mother' is not an identity one can just try on for size.
 Rebecca Goldstein
I thoroughly enjoyed working on Enemy of the State. Tony Scott is an important director, and has an amazing ability to express himself, and he doesn't do it in musical terms, he does it in emotional terms. I got along really well with him.
 Trevor Rabin
The emotional elevation of the film is due in no small measure to the extraordinarily engaging performances of Anne Bancroft as the wife-mother-mistress, Dustin Hoffman as the lumbering Lancelot, and Katherine Ross as his fair Elaine.
 Andrew Sarris
Success and failure in our own national economy will hang upon the degree to which we are able to work with races and nations whose social order and whose behavior and attitudes are strange to us.
 Ruth Benedict
When you pray for anyone you tend to modify your personal attitude toward him.
We prefer to go deformed and distorted all our lives rather than not resemble the portrait of ourselves which we ourselves have first drawn. It’s absurd. We run the risk of warping what’s best in us
 Andre Gide
By accepting life before it happens, and letting go of your inner resistance to all things you cannot change, you unlock true emotional freedom from all of your self-imposed emotional pain.
 Hal Elrod
A leader's attitude is caught by his or her followers more quickly than his or her actions.
Anger is an appropriate reaction to racist attitudes, as is fury when the actions arising from those attitudes do not change.
Anger is an appropriate reaction to racist attitudes, as is fury when the actions arising from those attitudes do not change.
 Audre Lorde
My son is not that emotional. He thought my trip to India is just another conference, But when he hearing about my visit on TV, he too got moved.
 Kamla Persad-Bissessar